Chapter 10

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Author's POV

"What do you think you are doing?" Lily screamed,
"Don't you fucking dare raise your voice in front of me like that or else I'll shoot you right here and bury you 6ft under the ground and no one will be able to find a single trace of your existence," warned Fourth.
"Oh, baby Fourth you can't do that & if you do I'll make sure to take your brother and the Norawits with me as well." she said with a smirk plastered on her face.
"Can you fucking stop threatening me with the Norawit family and if you dare touch a single strand of my brother's hair I swear I'll kill you. I'm just putting up with you because you have my shares, and even if I kill you they'll be transferred to that fucking old man of Black Wolf's clan, I won't spare you till you give back my shares, and that day I swear to torture you till you beg for mercy." Fourth shouted at her.
She got up and walked towards Fourth holding him with a tight grip around his neck, choking him.
"Let go......Let go of me bitch." Fourth gasped trying to losen her grip from his throat
"Mom, leave him." Milk screamed as she saw her mom choking his cousin.
"He was trying to threaten me with your name darling and you know I can't let anything happen to you." Lily said calmly letting go off Fourth's neck
"Stop sugarcoating Mom, I heard you guys. I know what you are trying to do. You think about nothing else but money, I told you hundreds of times that I just need your love, not your money but you keep doing crimes just for money." Lily was shocked
"What??? You thought I don't know that you fucking killed my dad for taking over his empire." Milk queried with tears threatening to fall from her eyes
Lily smirked, "You are pretty smart than I thought my daughter, but you don't have anything that can prove me guilty." Fourth was shocked after hearing this new revelation, how much can this woman fall down for money and power?
"I had the proofs but you destroyed them."
"I can't let my daughter file a complaint against me." Lily shrugged and started walking off
"Get ready at noon tomorrow we are going to Norawit mansion, dare to run away from this & I'll kill that fucking Love."Lily said with a sinister laugh
"NO..... no Mom please not her don't involve her in your game please." Milk begged
"Then just do what I say."
After she went to her room Milk fell on the ground crying loudly, Fourth came towards her sitting down next to her & pulling her in his arms.
"Hey Milk calm down." he caressed her back, he didn't know how to console the younger.
"H-how can I Phi, she is using my girlfriend as her new target how can I calm down." she hugged him tightly.

After some time he walked Milk to her room and tucked her in, and went to his room thinking about how to prove all of Lily's crimes. He was the most powerful Mafia but that woman had all the people he loves under her radar, she stole all the CCTV recordings from Prom's laptop the day she got to know that they hacked the system. She had a lot of connections which made all the gates of Justice close. He and Prom tried to retrieve the recordings but it was of no use, he was helpless right now he didn't know how many more innocent lives is she gonna take just for the sake of money and power. Whenever he tried to reach out for someone's help she threatened him with Prom sending goons behind his brother. He cried himself to sleep that night. He was the most powerful mafia but only for the outside world whereas on the inside he was a broken man trying to save the few important people in his life.

Next morning

He got up and looked at the dark circles under his eyes, he did his morning routine and went down for breakfast. He saw the woman who he least wanted to see sitting at the dining table. He was walking away when he heard her voice behind him, "You need to come with us to the Norawit's mansion today" She smirked.
"And why is that? It's not like it's a proposal of my marriage."he rolled his eyes
"It's a proposal for your sister's marriage and you should come there as a big brother."
"I have meetings lined up."
"I have already checked your schedule with Ford, he said you'll be free till 2 o'clock today."
'Damn you Ford', Fourth cursed under his breath, "I don't think I'll be needed there."
"Are you coming or..."
"I'll go," Fourth said, he knew what was coming after her 'or'

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