Chapter 18

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Gemini's POV

I'm quite anxious about what my baby will say when I re-propose to him today and ask him to be my fiancé. He and I are going to the beach. I've been taking him out on dates and whatnot for the past six months. I'm hoping he'll accept me again today.

We arrived at the beach at 8:00 a.m. and checked into our resort.

"Gemini, there's only one room; why didn't you reserve one for me?"

"You'll stick with me, FotFot."


"No ifs and buts, come on, we're going to have fun at the beach."

We got ready in our swimming attire and went to the beach where we swam for a very long period, enjoying and unwinding. We attempted to surf. We created sand forts. Who would assume we are members of the Mafia? Fourth was having fun at the beach. It was enjoyable because we both love the beach. After that, we went for a stroll along the water to see the lovely sunset.

We entered our room and each had a turn in the shower. We were both really exhausted from participating in all the activities at the beach, so I then let him sleep for a bit while I had a break. At approximately half past eight, I roused him up because I started to feel anxious. I turned back towards the shore while walking down the stairs just as he asked me,

Gemini, where are you headed? The restaurant is over there.

"FotFot Come with me, as I would like to show you something."

We took a five-minute stroll in that direction before arriving at the beach.

He questioned, "What is this Gem?" While we made our way to the Centre, I turned to face him.

"Baby, when we split up, I believed I was going to pass away that day, but P'Mix assured me that we would end up being together if we were meant to be. I apologise for not being there for you when you most needed me. I'm sorry you've had to battle by yourself for over 7 years, but I swear to you now that I will be by your side always. I would cherish and adore you. I won't allow anyone to harm you. Every aspect of me, including my heart and soul, contains you. Although others claim that there is no such thing as forever, I want to be your eternally for all of eternity. If you don't mind, Will you permit me to take care of you and be by your side forever?" I knelt before him and pulled out the velvet box from my pocket.

"Please allow me to love you once again. Fourth Nattawat, will you marry me?" All of this was spoken sincerely and with all the love I could muster.

He bent down in front of me, cupping my cheek in his hands and petting it as he stared at me with tears welling up in his lovely eyes.

"Gemini, are you sure you want to marry me? You won't grow bored with me. You won't grow weary of my never-ending rants and caustic demeanor. I assume that you will always adore me completely. Gem, I have faith in you. However, given everything that has taken place in the past, I won't be able to endure any more suffering", he declared. I grabbed his hand and put it on my chest.

"My darling, only you will make this heartbeat. I swear not to hurt you, and I also swear not to let anybody else hurt you. My dearest, I adore you". He rested both of his hands on my upper body and tightened his embrace around me as I drew him in. His face was buried in my chest as he sobbed. I gave him a tender head kiss on top.

"Will you get married to me, my Love?" As we hugged, he nodded.

"I require words, baby".

"Yeah, Gem You have my vows".

I kissed his knuckles as I placed the ring on his finger. "Gem, you are the only person I love. I have never stopped loving you."

"I know, baby, I know you love me a lot."

We eventually had supper, and as I was feeding him, he sat on my lap with his head resting on my chest the entire time.

"Baby, are you free tomorrow? Let's meet my parents, and I want to officially introduce you to them as my fiancé and soon-to-be husband."

"I'm free, but will they be content with me and accept me into their family?"

"Of course, baby, they will love you more than they love me, particularly mom and heart."

Fourth questioned "Heart your nephew?"


"Okay, then, let's visit your family tomorrow."

We walked to our bed and cuddled till I heard his steady breathing and kissed his forehead. I can't believe he's now my fiancé and soon-to-be husband. I smiled as I watched him sleep like a baby. I adore his ferocious demeanor as the Mafia Boss. But it's much better when he's a baby in front of me. I slipped off to my Dreamland while thinking about us.

We woke up the following morning and headed to Bangkok. We conversed the entire way to my house. My family has already been informed that I would be bringing my special someone to meet them, so everyone should remain at home.

Fourth gripped my hand firmly as we approached the estate. I could tell he was becoming anxious, so I drew him into a hug and gently stroked his back while saying, "Don't worry baby, they will love you." As I spoke, he nodded.

We exited the vehicle, made our way to the door, rang the doorbell, and my nephew Heart answered it while grinning endearingly at me. I drew him up and kissed his forehead. He grinned upon seeing Fourth and greeted him, and Fourth grinned and said hello as well.

It was time for lunch, so we sat down at the table.

"Fourth, it's nice to see you. Did he call you, too? He said he was going to introduce us to his particular someone". Mom said.

"Mom," I tried to explain.

"Yes, where is your special someone, baby boy? I'm excited to meet her."

"Mom, it's Fourth, and he is my special someone; I proposed to him yesterday."

Everyone was keeping a wary watch on Fourth throughout the prolonged pause, and as I was beginning to feel uneasy, I turned to face him. He was standing there with his head lowered, as if he were trying not to cry in front of my family. I firmly grasped his hand.

I finally heard my father's energetic voice after a lengthy pause.

"I knew it, Honey, I told you it was going to be Fourth," Everyone chuckled as he stated this.

"You guys, I'm not kidding," I said

"We weren't joking either, darling son; as your parents, we were aware that you would bring Fourth to meet us." Mom said

Fourth's tears were already pouring continuously as she gazed at him. My mother had come up and hugged him, saying, "You fear we are not going to accept you, baby boy." In the hug, he nodded

"Silly, Fourth, you have always been a part of our family and when you two were best friends, we had the nicest relationships with your parents. We would all love to welcome you into our family. We are aware of your upbringing. And we are aware that no one will ever be as ideal for Gemini as you are. So please accept our warmest welcome to you, our new son-in-law."

"Welcome to our family, FotFot." P'Mix and P'Earth spoke up.

"I hope you two stay together forever in happiness." My father said, giving him a head pat.

"Welcome, cute uncle, to our family. The next time I sketch my family, I would include you too." Heart exclaimed excitedly.

"I'm so grateful that everyone accepted me; I'd love to join the family. Thank you. And thank you so much, Heart. Please show me your artwork of your family, I'd love to see it." Fourth kissed his head.

After that, we chatted briefly while eating lunch. My family and I were watching a movie together; we didn't often get to spend time together, but this was a pleasant day, so we felt like having a little celebration.

I tenderly kissed his ears and said, "Welcome to our Family, Fourth Nattawat Norawit, my future husband." He flushed and gave me a hug.

Andddddd that's a Wrap.

Hahahahah We're kidding...we still have some love to bestow on you.

To be continued, sweethearts,

Love,Ash & Aeri❤️

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