Chapter 21

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Fourth's POV


In a small voice, Gem whispered, "Relax, darling."

"You keep quiet about it. Norawit, the reason they slept in late last night is that you guys kept playing till midnight. They are still not prepared for school, and it is now 7:30." I said, getting annoyed.

Our kids came into the dining room after we heard footsteps from the staircase. I nodded while checking my watch.
Together, they said, "Good morning, Papa and Dada."  I set them on their chairs kissing their foreheads, "Good morning my babies." I said
Gemini greeted, "Good morning my princess and Superman."
"It's already 7:30, babies. Your school starts at 8:00. Please don't give your Papa so much headache. I told you to sleep early so that you can focus nicely on your day ahead," I reminded them.
"We won't stay up late again like this, Papa," North said, and Nat nodded.
"Come have breakfast now, I'll drop you at school. Papa has an important meeting today," Gemini said while having his breakfast.

We had breakfast together, and then I went my own way while Gemini sent the children off to school. We've been married for ten years already. Our two children, North Nattawat Norawit and Natasha Nattawat Norawit are not identical twins; they were born via surrogacy. This year will mark their eighth birthday. When I brought up the topic of having children with Gemini after two years of marriage, we were able to find the ideal surrogate—you guessed it—Milk gave birth to our children. They address her as Mama and Love as their Mommy. They are spoiled with wonderful uncles, grandparents, and an older sibling who adore and look out for them.

North is closer to me than his father because he is a Papa's boy. However, he loves his father very much. Nat, on the other hand, is a daddy's girl and has an excellent relationship with him. But when she feels sad or low, or if something happens at school, she tends to cling to me.

 A few months earlier, we had both been unable to attend one of their family days. When I learned that one of the transfer boys and his parents had told her that she was abnormal because she had two dads, I was furious. I went to her school, and when the boy's parents were called to the meeting, they were afraid to see me. I then punched the boy's dad for what he had said to my baby. The school expelled the boy and his parents. When we arrived home, she began to cry. I embraced her and whispered sweet words into her ear. She buried her face on my chest and cried for a while. She explained that she disliked it when people spoke ill of her papa and daddy. She refused to speak to anyone for the entire day. Both of my children are wonderful, and they love us dearly. I love them just as much.

When it comes to my big baby, he remains unchanged. Our love for one another grew every day, never decreasing. We both still have a romantic relationship going on. However, we remain the most deadly Mafia couple in terms of business and clan. As parents, we always made sure to take extra care in protecting our children from potential harm and also personally taught them how to defend themselves. Additionally, we emphasized that it was perfectly fine if they chose not to learn certain fundamental skills that were appropriate for their age. We wanted to make sure that they knew that they had the freedom to pursue any career or path they desired in the future. We occasionally encountered difficulties, but we always worked through them as a team.

Gemini's POV

Now that I've been married to my baby for ten years, I still adore him above all others. Apart from that, though, I also adore my two children. In my opinion, they are the best. Like myself, my Superman North is a man of his word, but he is closer to his Papa. Though, on the inside, he's just a softie, he plays the bossy, cool guy. And like her papa, my princess Nat is stunning. I adore her because she is sassy, just like my FotFot, but she is daddy's girl and always sticks by me when we are together. I was ecstatic to hold my two babies for the first time. They resembled two lovely angels in their diminutive size. They truly are my life's angels. I cried Rivers that day when they called me Daddy for the first time because it was quite an unforgettable moment for me.

I love my Baby FotFot so much. We make sure to spend time together whenever we can. He's still the fierce little baby I remember, with his sassy attitude intact. My greatest desire is to spend the rest of my life happily with my three beautiful Angels forever.

Author's POV

Today was family day in their house. The four of them went to the amusement park and enjoyed many different rides. After having dinner at a restaurant, they came back home and Fourth helped the children wash up. On family days, they all slept together with Gemini at one corner, Fourth at the other, Nat beside Gemini, and North beside Fourth. Both children were tired from playing and running around, so they drifted off to sleep as soon as they closed their eyes.

"It was such a fun day, my love," Fourth said.

"It feels really good to spend time with our children, baby."

"This moment is so wonderful that I wish we could stay like this forever."

"We will, baby. We will always be together forever with our little angels."Fourth and Gemini turned towards each other and interlocked hands, placing one hand on each of the babies.

"I love you so much, Hubby."

Gemini expressed their affection by kissing Fourth's hand and said, "I love you too, Baby."

They kissed their babies' foreheads and said, "We love you, our babies".

"Let's stay together forever," Fourth said

Gemini smiled and said, "Forever and beyond."

The End

Sorry for making y'all wait so long I hope you like the story.
Thanks for reading my first attempt at a story. I hope you enjoyed it!

Love, Ash & Aeri ❤️

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