Chapter 4

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Author's POV

Early morning sun was peeking from the curtains and Two bodies were wrapped in each other's embrace when Gemini got up and saw the face of the most beautiful human sleeping like a baby on his chest he tucked the boy's hair behind his ears which were falling on his forehead caressed his cheeks and placed a kiss on his forehead when his baby opened his beautiful eyes and smiled greeting him,"Good Morning Gem."
"Good Morning Baby."
Fourth blushed,his cheeks and ears were red just by hearing his new nickname
"Are you blushing?"
"How can I not when you are being this cheesy on the first day itself."
"Get used to it baby because I'm gonna call you with these nicknames everyday."Fourth smiled
"Let's get up we have morning classes."Fourth said
"Okay but before that where is my morning kiss."Gemini showed him his cheeks
Fourth blushed more..........he kissed him😘
And he got up from the bed running towards the bathroom Gemini smiled crazily
They did there morning routines Fourth cooked something for there breakfast they ate it and headed towards the parking lot the whole time Gemini was driving the car he kept holding Fourth's hand caressing his cheeks every now and then.They reached there Uni and days went by like this being lovey dovey kissing each other sleeping in each other's embrace.
Some days they went on movie dates,shopping and picnics with there group of friends.

Six months after

Today they were starting there winter breaks and Gemini wanted to go on a vacation together alone just the two of them.He asked permission from there families to go on a vacation and they agreed to it they were yet to tell about there relationship to the family there families were not homophobic but they wanted to spend some time growing together.Gemini planned a surprise trip to go to Singapore for there vacation 4 days 5 nights.He booked the flight tickets,hotels and a car to tour around in the city.

After a 2 hrs and 15 mins long flight GeminiFourth reached Singapore airport at 10 P.M in night as soon as they landed they booked a cab and headed towards there hotel room.Fourth was looking at the outside view when Gemini came and backhugged him.

"I didn't know you can be so romantic Gem I thought we are going to some beach but you brought me all the way to Singapore.Its so beautiful here Gem Thank you so much for bringing me here"Fourth said and hugged him tightly.
"This is a compensation for not asking you properly to become my boyfriend."Gemini smiled
"Are you hungry let's wash up and have dinner first."
They washed up and headed towards the restaurant of the hotel

They ordered some dishes for them and started having there dinner discussing about where to tour tomorrow after having there dinner they took a small walk at the garden and headed towards there room to take rest so that they can explore places tomorrow.
Morning came both of them got up greeting each other and doing there morning routines they had there breakfast in the room itself and drove away to there first destination for the day.

They were having the times of there lives together while roaming around in different places after some time they had their lunch at a restaurant nearby,"It was fun right."Fourth said smiling
"Yes it was but Baby everything is fun just because you are here with me."Gemini said and Fourth blushed
"We should do this more often just us going on vacation together."Gemini said
"Yes I would love it as well."
Then they did lots of shopping for there friends and family and for themselves as well it was already time for dinner when they reached there hotel and they were so damn tired after exploring so much they took shower and went to have dinner and slept off as soon as they reached the bed.

Next day they explored many other places in Singapore and at night they first had there dinner because they were very hungry and then they spent there time at Marina Bay Sands which was just near there hotel

Our Endless StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon