ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : 𝘪-𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥⁴♬

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1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

A loud siren blared throughout the building, causing everyone to jump up in fright.

"Can everyone please make their way to the lobby," the announcer's voice ordered, and the trainees reluctantly obliged.

Jiwoo hooked her arm with Heran nervously and gave the most forced laugh they'd both ever heard. "I hate this."

The younger of the two nodded in agreement, her lips pursed the entire time that she stood in front of the egg-like gateway. She couldn't get herself to sit down like the others, not when she had an idea of what was about to happen.

She'd watched enough survival shows in her lifetime to know exactly how everything was going to play out so all she could do was prepare herself for the worst and pray that their hard work paid off enough to not get someone to cry.

"What's happening?" Jay asked and everyone followed in confusion as they watched the egg start to open up, and they all took it as a sign to get in.

When the door opened up on the other side the 24 trainees had come face to face with a brand new stage set up. The lights were dimmed down and all they could see was the silhouette of a man at the end of the room.

Heran sighed and started lightly stretching which made everyone even more scared than they were supposed to be.

"What are you doing?" Sunghoon asked her and Heran continued to roll her shoulders backward, even re-tying her hair.

Now this is what she called preparation anxiety.

"At least two of us are going to walk out of this room crying, and I'm making sure that it's not going to be me."

Her answer caused a huge commotion. Everyone began panicking frantically at the idea of crying for whatever reason but if Heran was right then they should've seen it coming.

All of a sudden the lights switched on and startled the majority of the trainees who were covering their mouths in shock at the sight of the veteran idol who had come into focus.

"Rain sunbaenim?!" Semi yelled out and started to fix her hair in panic while the others bowed in their senior's direction.

"I am producer Rain Jung Jihoon, and I'll be in charge of your test today," he said. "I may be a producer on the outside but to you all, I want to mentally support you and become closer to you."

Heran stifled a laugh and bowed with the rest of the I-Landers. "He's about to destroy every bit of mental support we have left."

From beside her, Jiwoo was fighting back her smile and tried her best not to show any reaction to Heran's hushed comment. She nudged Heran on the arm lightly as a warning.

"I'm curious to see where your skills are at right now, so I'd like to see the group choreography first," Rain said earnestly and everyone complied.

"They're six feet under right now," Heran commented again and it took all Jiwoo's willpower to not respond but she still managed to fail.

"That and our mental support."

Heran choked.

The series of laughs that exited her mouth after Jiwoo's additional comment prompted her to laugh as well. It was unintentional and Rain had noticed by the look he was giving the two girls.

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