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1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

"You're going to sign the contract?" Chanmi asked from beside Heran as they sat at the kitchen table, rereading the contract that Heran had been handed 3 days ago.

When she got home Friday evening the first person she told was Chanmi and when she told the rest of her family her grandfather happened to slurp his coffee a tad bit louder than usual, his eyes glued to the book in front of him but Heran could see the judgemental look he was giving her from the top of the page.

That's what she got for missing taekwondo practice.

"Yes please do waste your time with that instead of focusing on your taekwondo, because your cousin is definitely going to win the tournament, not you."

The sarcasm was so crisp in his tone that he didn't even have to hide it, but Heran's older cousin by one year- Yejun had never been so offended in his entire life.

He looked up to his grandfather who continued to sip on his coffee. "The truth hurts boy, learn to suck it up."

Yejun's jaw dropped and he turned to look at his mother who was minding her own business in the kitchen while Chanmi and Heran were fighting back the urge to burst into laughter. But with each moment of eye contact, they shared they had to cover it up in a fit of fake coughs.

"Bang Sihyuk made a really good point." She ruffled her hair in frustration. "He's so good at his job. I hate it."

Her aunt chuckled from the side as she began chopping some green onion while she listened in on their conversation which was ever so entertaining.

As Eunae occupied herself with making supper she looked up to see Heran staring at her hands.

"Heran has been the reason for all of our medals and trophies so far," she spoke up as a way to cheer her niece up, Heran's lips curling up into a sheepish smile.

Her grandfather slammed his book back down onto the kitchen table and raised his hands into the air in agreement. "Exactly!"

He pointed his index finger at Heran. "I am not letting go of 9 years of preparation and talent! I refuse to see anything but gold on that shelf," he said stubbornly and gestured to the shelf in the living room where they kept all their achievements.

Hyeju had her academic awards displayed, Eunae had her art awards, Chanmi had her figure skating awards, Hyunmin had his soccer and academic awards and Heran had her volleyball, taekwondo, and dance awards displayed. Heck, even Yejun had a few.

Heran took up the majority of the space but there wasn't much to say about it.

"Kyunho stop pressurising the poor child."

Everyone's heads turned in the direction of the voice belonging to their grandmother when she walked into the kitchen with a scowl causing Kyungho to mumble something under his breath in disagreement.

"Halmeonie, you're just saying that because you never got the chance to be a performer," Chanmi countered with a cheeky smile which earned her a smack on the back of her head.

"Halabeoji, you do realize that I'll still be able to do taekwondo right?"

Heran's counter made her grandfather pause but she knew he found it difficult to make compromises. That's where her mother got it from, her stubbornness and all from the very person who was getting groggy over a tournament.

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