Chapter 24

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The tree first parts of my new book are out guys! I hope you enjoy it as well :)


Time passed, Haechan sent his applications and took some extra classes not to be lost once at uni. The omega felt excited, he started to have study sessions with Renjun like they did in the past. The latter loved studying,he missed the feeling of being a student. He smiled a lot, his life was finally getting back on track. The only missing thing would be Mark. The dominant alpha worked a lot, they did go on a few secret dates but as the end of the year approached the other came home later and later. He would collapse on their shared bed and hide his face into Donghyuck's neck. 

Haechan was reading on their bed when he heard someone at the front door. He checked the time and was actually surprised to see that Mark had come home not so late today. It took a few minutes until the alpha opened their bedroom door with a small smile, he bent a little and went for a kiss.

"You're here early." said the omega.

"I'm surprised as well. Everything went smoothly today, it's odd but I'm not complaining." he answered.

"I'm glad."

The alpha went for a shower and came back. He got closer to the omega and hugged him. They stayed like that for a few minutes. Donghyuck inhaled Mark's scent, it helped him calm down. 

"Don't you want to go on a trip?"Mark asked out of nowhere.

"I'd love to. Why?"

"I need to go on a trip." he simply said.

"I understand you need some time to relax. You want me to go with you?"

"Yes but I'm not sure you should come."

"What do you mean?" Haechan was a little lost.

The alpha literally asked him if he wanted to go on a trip with him a few seconds ago. 

Mark saw his confused look and cleared his throat before explaining his worries.

"My rut is coming soon."

It took a few seconds for the dominant omega to understand.

"Ooooh."Haechan exclaimed  while looking at Mark


"But why shouldn't I go? I'm your partner, I'm the one you should have by your side."

"I know, but there's an issue." Mark explained caressing the omega's neck. "You're unmarked. I've been able to refrain myself for the moment, but I cannot promise it while in rut. I'm scared I'll hurt you."

Donghyuck was left silent. He had not thought about mating yet. He knew that the other would be his mate one day but not in a close future. The omega never really took the time to address that question.

"People will know. One can sense if someone is marked or unmarked. I'll eventually have to mention that I do have a mate. The media will start to dig in as soon as they'll hear about it.  Are you ready for this?"

Donghyuck got lost in his thoughts. He wanted to help the dominant alpha. After everything he had done for him, Haechan felt the need to show his love, the way he cared for the other. But would this mean that their relationship had to become official?

"I-" started Mark before he was cut by the other.

"I knew it. I knew I would have to face it when I became your boyfriend. But it doesn't matter, if it's the price to be with you then I'll accept it." said Donghyuck.

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