Chapter 20

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I saw 7 Dream for the first time 😭😭 almost cried but I managed not to. Please keep supporting these boys, they deserve it 🌱🌱

Btw I fell real hard for Renjun😭 I've never seen such a cute human being. He was so happy about his PSG shirt😭😭 I love his vibe. He genuinely looked like an angel. It's been days and I can't get it out of my head.

Anyways back to our fictional world.


"So you're the same age as we are?"

"Yes, that's it. No need to be formal."

"That's cool. I hope you're taking care of my baby though."

"Haechan shut it. I'm sorry, he's a bit of a weirdo, please ignore his comments" said Renjun.

"It's okay Renjun, I already know I'm taking care of you baby." Jaemin answered with a smirk.

Haechan pretented to puck as Renjun madly blushed.

"This man is even more cringe than I am..." the dominant omega stated while Jaemin winked at Renjun.

"We should do stuff like that more often. It would be nice to invite Chenle, Jisung and Mark~." said Renjun, wiggling his eyebrows at Haechan.

"Yah don't change the subject! It's you we are talking about, not me. But it would be nice, indeed." replied Haechan.

Renjun and Haechan had planned to see each other so that the eldest could introduce Jeamin to the dominant omega. Both of them liked to eat together and act like a bunch of mean aunties criticizing everyone for anything and mostly to update each other about their life. Hence, this was a good opportunity for Renjun's favorite people to meet.

"Who's Mark?" Jaemin asked. 

"Mark is Haechan's mate." Renjun said.

"Oh really? I thought he was unmarked."

"He's not my mate!"

"Yet" added the other omega.

Hacehan groaned loudly hiding his face with his hands.

"Oh ho-" suddenly said Renjun as he sniffed the air."

"What is it?"

"I think Haechan is starting his heat. Yah! Haechan-ah, couldn't you have said you were in your pre-heat period?"

"Was I?" he asked. "I didn't even notice it."

Haechan tried to get up but his stomach started to hurt.

"Oh no- it's coming." he hissed.

Jaemin suddenly pinched his nose at the pheromones. Hopefully the restaurant was empty and it was the middle of the day. Jaemin would be the only menace as he was an alpha but he seemed more bothered than anything about the situation.

"Give me your phone." said Renjun. "Jaemin, can you control yourself?"

"I'm more than fine, don't worry about me, I'll just stay there in case someone annoying comes around."

Renjun opened Haechan's phone and went through his contacts. He sighed in relief when he saw the name he was looking for. He quickly pressed the button and brought the cellphone to his ear. The phone rang a few times before a voice answered.

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