Chapter 12

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Guess who's back?


Haechan was woken up by some noise in the room. He slowly opened his eyes and saw one of the nurses approach him.

"Are you feeling better?" she whispered as she checked his vitals.

Haechan nodded and covered his mouth, yawning.

"Much better."

"That's good news, you'll have to do one or two tests next week but everything seems fine." she continued whispering.

"Why are you whispering?" asked Haechan, a little bit confused.

"You have someone sleeping besides you, remember?" she indicated, pointing behind Haechan.

The omega turned his head and almost had a heart attack. He looked back at the nurse with wide eyes before checking again.

Mark Lee.

The businessman was peacefully sleeping beside him. His traits were soft as he didn't have his usual condescendent look. Dark circles could be seen under his eyes informing how tired he was at the moment.

"Oh my god!" whisper-shouted Haechan looking back at the nurse.

"What's wrong? Your alpha seems quite nice." said the nurse with a smirk.

"What do you mean? He's my boss! I'm so screwed..."

"Don't worry too much, give me your hand, I'll help you walk to the bathroom."

Haechan gladly accepted the offer and moved but stopped immediately. He was paralysed, his face became pale.

"What's wrong."

Haechan stayed silent. The nurse got worried.

"Haechan? Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"He's still in me." he muttered, becoming red.

Mark's dick was still in him. What the hell?! He was embarrassed to death. The nurse giggled a little.

"It's okay, you don't have to be embarrassed." the nurse tried to reassure.

"Haechan stop moving." Mark suddenly groaned, putting his hand on the omega's hips to make him stop.

"But I have to go to the bathroom..."

"Do you need help to walk?"

"No. I'm fine."

"Then what's the matter?"

The omega breathed in slowly

"You're still in me."

"What do you mean?" Mark asked, opening his eyes looking at the omega.

"What I want to say is that your dick is still in me..."

"Oh. You wouldn't let me go unless I put it back in." explained the alpha.

"I know what I said... Just put it out." whined the omega.

Mark did as he was commanded. Haechan had to suppress any noise from coming out of his throat. He didn't want to admit it felt good. The alpha was warm, his body was boiling compared to Haechan.

"Thanks." the omega said as he tried to get up but fell miserably on the floor. He searched for the nurse's help but she seemed to have left the room while they were talking.

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