Chapter 1

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Hello everyone hope you're doing fine! Here is the first chapter:)

Phone in hand Haechan had been running for 10 minutes straight. Out of breath he then looked at the huge building in front of him. 이lectronics, he read in his head looking at the name above the gigantic doors where workers were entering. What a weird place to have a babysitter interview. He quickly checked the address before going inside but there were no mistakes.

His friend, Chenle, recommended him for this job. Haechan never planned to become a babysitter but the salary soon made him change his mind.

Once he got in, the luxury of the building hit him right in the face. The hall was huge, fancy yet modern chandeliers were proudly standing in the air. Everything screamed rich, even the employees dressed in expensive suits and perfect hair styles. Haechan suddenly felt like he came from a different world with his black jeans, white T-shirt, blue vest, his coat in hand.

He then walked to the front desk trying not to trip on the way there, he would surely die of embarrassment if he did. He took a long breath before taking a last step facing the receptionist.

"Hello sir, what can I do for you?" the lady said with a calm yet sweet voice.

"Hello, my name is Lee Haechan, I'm here for a job interview." the omega answered, amazed that he didn't sutter.

"Oh, please go to the last floor and introduce yourself to the receptionist, they will guide you to the interview room. Good luck, hope you can get the job." she said with a smile giving him a visitor pass.

"Thank you very much! I hope I do too." he declared before looking for the elevators.

Walking at a fast pace he quickly found a place in an elevator. The interior of it was so pretty, prettier than any room he had ever seen in his life. A beautiful black and white marble tile was decorating the floor, full mirrors were on both sides and a drawing of the building was engraved in the back wall and metallic doors.

Some workers looked at him as if they just saw a ghost. Haechan was too nervous to realize it and just ignored them trying to calm down his heartbeat to look professional. Dear Lord, two minutes in this elevator seemed like an eternity to him.

He was now supposed to hop off at the next stop. But, before he could, one of the last workers looked at him with a disgusted stare.

"Are you sure you want to go to the last floor, people like you are not supposed to go there." he remarked.

"Please do not worry about me sir, I am perfectly aware of where I am supposed to go." Haechan answered with his most hypocrite smile letting the man know he didn't care about his opinion. 

"But-" the doors suddenly opened and the Omega left before the man could finish his sentence.

He confidently walked to the receptionist. The faster he would find the room the sooner everything would be over.

"Hello sir, my name is Lee Haechan, I am here for a job interview."

"Hello sir, we have been waiting for you, please go straight until the corridor stops and it will be on your right."

"Thank you very much." Haechan smiled before leaving, not wasting any more time.

After a few seconds, he was there, facing the door ready to knock it. He did and heard an old man's voice inviting him in. Slowly opening the door, the brunette politely bowed to the man.

"Come, come boy and take a seat", the man said. "My name is Lee Soo-man, I am the late President of lectronics, you must be Lee Haechan".

The Good in the Bad - Markhyuck story Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora