That was all Enoch and Kayden could remember.


When I opened my eyes, I vaguely felt I was lying on a soft bed. My head hurts like it's about to burst, my body is still hot, and my mind is fuzzy.

I couldn't stand it because it tickled like threadworms crawling all over my body.


As I groaned in pain, I suddenly felt a friendly hand on my forehead. It felt like only the part of my forehead touched by someone's hand felt cool and calm.

The joy of discovering an oasis passed by after struggling with a maddening thirst.

I impatiently grabbed the arm of someone whose hand was on my forehead. It felt like my body and mind were at peace once our skin touched, but it still wasn't enough.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Enoch with flushed cheeks. He gritted his teeth and frowned as if he was holding back something.

I struggled to get up.

The frown on Enoch's forehead deepened as he held my hand and helped me get up.

Then someone came up behind me and hugged me. I think it's Kayden.

Looks like I'm not the only one who got poisoned by Tentathionem. These two men appeared to be poisoned as well.

In fact, my mind is clouded, so I don't really know very well what I'm doing right now.

How did this situation come about? Everything is confusing.

After discovering the magic circle in the bunker and learning shocking facts, I got poisoned by Tentathionem, and I think I saw Jenas......

When did Enoch and Kayden come?

Is this a dream?

Kayden pulled me from behind and buried his face in my shoulder. There is Enoch in front of me. It's the same situation as last time.

Sharing my body temperature with others made my breathing a little easier.

Even with his eyes burning with desire, Enoch did not rush to me. What incredible patience he has. Yes, Enoch is always like that. He always cares about me before himself.

'But I can't stand it anymore......'

I grabbed Enoch's arm. In return, he embraced me carefully.

I stretched out my arms and hugged him, letting out a sigh of satisfaction. I rubbed my cheek against his chest and ran my hand across his back as if searching for the water of life.

But still, something is missing. I'm constantly thirsty. I feel something is missing and empty just by physical contact.

At that moment, heat rushed to my face.


A sudden shortness of breath made me grab my neck. As I twisted and wept with a distressed face, Enoch held my hand to calm me down.

"......Margaret, calm down."

Enoch's forehead touched mine.

His sharp nose gently brushed the tip of my nose, and his sweet golden eyes scanned my face. His body is hotter than mine.

Kayden's body temperature was also quite high as he hugged me from behind as if holding his lifeline tightly.

Enoch, who was facing me, put his hand on my cheek. Passing out of breath, I followed him and put my hand on his cheek.

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