"T-dog take this for the pain." I told him.

He nodded taking the medicine, just as the others arrived. I didn't see Shane, Lori, Carl, or Rick, though.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Some lady on a horse came and grabbed Lori. Said Carl was shot. She gave us directions to their place." Glenn said.

"I won't do it. We can't just leave." Carol said.

"Carol, the group is split. We're scattered and weak." Dale told her.

"What if she comes back and we're not here? It could happen." Carol said.

"If Sophia found her way back and we were gone, that would be awful." Andrea said.

"Okay. We got to plan for this. I say tomorrow morning is soon enough to pull up stakes. Give us a chance to rig a big sign, leave her some supplies. I'll hold here tonight, stay with the rv." Daryl told us.

"If the rv is staying, I am too." Dale said.

"Thank you. Thank you both." Carol told them.

"I'm in." Andrea said.

"Well if you're all staying then I'm--" Glenn started.

"Not you. Me and you are going." I told him.

"Me? Why is it always me?" Glenn asked.

"Glenn. We have to go. I need to get to Carl and check on his wound. Not only that, I don't have enough medication for T-dog. We need more. So, your going to get in the Cherokee and we are going." I told him.

"Okay." He said.

"Why did you wait to tell me? I got my brothers stash. Crystal, X. Don't need that. Got some kickass pain killers. Oxycycline. Not the generic stuff, either. It's first class." Daryl said.

"Thank you." I told him as I came beside him. He handed me the meds and I gave some to T-dog.

Glenn and T-dog rode in the Cherokee as I had the kids. Together we made it to the farm folling Glenn.

I saw someone on the porch.

"Hello." I greeted.

"Hi. We have dinner if your hungry." She told me.

"Thank you." I told her.

We went into the house and I had the kids sit on the couch as I went up.

"Their right, you know. You go out now, you're only going to be dead weight." I told as I entered.

"Stella, you made it." Rick said smiling.

"Yes, I did. Lori and this man is right. Your of no help to us. So sit down, drink your juice, and we will wait. Shane, will be back. Trust in your friend." I told him.

He looked at me, before nodding. I gathered his weight on me and helped him back to the chair.

"Hi, I'm Stella Hale." I greeted the man.

"Hershel Grenne." He told me.

"I hear you patched Carl." I told him.

"Yes. I did my best. You can take over when the others come back. Your the doctor in this room." He told me.

"Thank you." I told him. I grabbed my med bag and started checking Carl over. I'm amazed he's alive, but I kept that to myself.

I went downstairs and grabbed some juice.

"Is Carl going to be okay?" Alexander asked me.

"I'm going to be honest, I don't know. With the right supplies, yes, but the hard part comes after." I told them.

"I hope he feels better." Isabelle told me.

"He will, baby." I told her.

I walked up and waited with Lori and Rick in the room. Soon, Shane came back with the supplies. Lori went downstairs to bring him up.

"You can do this, right?" Rick asked me.

"I can." I told him, just as I grabbed the supplies.

Hershel, Patricia, and I worked together taking the fragments out and closing the wound.

Five hours of talking the fragments out and closing the wound. By the time I finished, I was happy.

"He's stabilized. We just have to watch the recovery, but he should okay now. Thank you for allowing us to use your home and for assisting me." I told Hershel and Patricia.

We walked out as Hershel went to Rick and them. I went to my kids.

"Is Carl going to be okay?" Isabelle asked.

"He's going to be just fine." I told them.

They all hugged me.

"We knew you could do it, mommy." Athena told me.

I saw Rick in the kitchen with Hershel and Patricia. She was crying. I walked to Rick who met me halfway.

"Thank you." He told me.

"Always." I said.

He pulled me into a hug, kissing my forehead.

"Thank you for saving my boy." He said.

"Your welcome. Now go join him." I told him.

He nodded, leaving me. I went to the kids and we went to the truck.

I placed my need bad in the seat, before watching the kids go to bed. I covered them with their blankets, closing the doors.

"How is Carl doing?" Shane asked me.

"He'll be just fine, thanks to you. The recovery will be difficult, but he can make it." I told him.

I saw him limping.

"Sit down. Let me check your ankle." I told him, grabbing my bag from the truck.

"Thanks, Stella." He told me.

I nodded and wrapped it tight.

"It's definately sprained, but not broken. Stay of it for a couple of days and you'll be good." I told him.

He nodded and went to the house. I put my bag up and went to sleep.

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