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"You scared us Ly! And what do you mean when you said "Goodbye Aro?" He's coming back right?? He's one of the three kings!"

Jane was wigging out and I understood why. He saved Jane and Alec from being burned at the stake and was their father figure and parental figure when I couldn't be there. She was digging her fingers into me and I flinched.

"Janey, you're kinda breaking me. Thank you. And I think you need to sit down for this, Lex you too. So you guys know how I can enter the spirit realm? Well.... When I just zoned out there it was because I got sucked in by two spirits. The first being Owen. He wanted to apologise and wish me the best as the new queen and to tell me that it's okay to love Caius purely without being scared. H he told me he loved me for the last time before..."

I needed to take a break and they all noticed and I felt a wave of calm so I turned to Jasper with a half hearted smile and took an unneeded breath and I closed my eyes.

"Aro, he died in the explosion. He didn't make it. He was protecting all of us. He told me that he thinks that I'm gonna be an amazing queen, and that he's happy his brother had found his mate. And Jane and Alec, he's always been proud of you."

They latched onto me and dry sobbed violently. I rubbed their backs, cooing softly. I began to hum my lullaby in order to ease their nerves and my own. I glanced at Jasper for a little bit of help and he caught on quickly. I knew that because Jane mumbled that his gift wasn't fair while her little head of gold was tucked into the left side of my neck. Alec pulled away first and looked at our father figure for all intents and purposes.

"M Master Marcus, may we speak to Ya-ya on our own?"

He whispered and I could tell he still felt bad about the last time we had seen each other but he really did not need to. I'd forgiven him the second he showed up in the castle to save me. It didn't hurt that I was able to read his mind and see how sorry he was. I didn't want to let him know that I knew however. That was never my style even when we were alive. I always tried to teach them that if you're really sorry, you'll talk it out with them and apologise.

"Of course my young ones. Please, Jasper, follow me"

They nodded and walked out both giving me apologetic and sympathetic glances. Alec and Jane stood up and walked to the little bench on the window sill facing the garden. Alec fiddled with his hands nervously before Jane nudged him.

"Ya-ya, I am so sorry for everything that happened before you got kidnapped. I'm so sorry that I was so mean to you, I just didn't want to lose you again and I couldn't understand why someone like that meant so much to you. I didn't want you to go back to the Cullens or become a nomad. I'm sorry I was selfish and I never want to fight like that again. I just didn't know what you were going through when you found out Owen was dead because M master Aro is the same for me and Jane. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me and Jane?"

I knew if he could have he'd have been in tears so I did the only thing that I could think of, I flashed over to the two of them who honestly looked like puppies who'd just been kicked. I wrapped them in my arms and kissed the crowns of their heads.

"You two have nothing to be sorry about, you were just trying to protect me and I could never be mad at you for that. If I'm honest, thinking of you, Jasper, Marcus and Caius is what got me out of there without going completely mad. I love the two of you very much and I couldn't ask for better little siblings than you both."

I heard the door open and looked up to see Jasper and Marcus. I smiled at the two of them before Marcus spoke up.

"Is there enough room for two more in this family hug?"

His words made the three of us laugh as I waved them over to join us. Right now I just needed to be in the comfort of my family as I tried to mask the feeling of heartache from missing Caius. Marcus placed a kiss to the crown of my head before he spoke up.

"I have never had children before, nor known that I needed children until you came into our lives Lydia. Once you got here the bonds snapped in place between Jane, Alec and I as well. And Jasper when you showed up those bonds grew brighter. Jane, you're stronger and tougher than you ever give yourself credit for, you're so determined, it's what Aro loved about you so much. And Alec, Aro was always proud of you for how brave and selfless you've always been, he always talked highly of you. Jasper, you're a welcomed addition to this family because you brought Lydia the ability to be as stable as possible which was able to bring peace to all of us. Lydia, you're my daughter and my world. No matter what you do, I will always be on your side and believe in you. I love you all children."

I hugged him tighter than I wanted as he laughed about how he was older than dirt and very breakable which made us all laugh.

"You guys are an amazing family and I couldn't be prouder to be part of it. Thank you all for embracing me into it. Marcus, I promise you I'm gonna do my absolute best to keep these three safe. Alec, you and I are gonna spend more time together, I'm going to help you get stronger and more skilled at fighting. Jane, we're going to spend time strategizing and pulling pranks on Felix and Demi, Alec, you're more than welcome to join us in that. And Dia, I'm gonna spend the rest of forever protecting you as if my life depends on it whenever Caius isn't around. And obviously we'll continue the way it's been.

He could be a sap sometimes but he was the best brother and best friend. Sure enough to match my luck, as I was enjoying my time in the arms of my loved ones a door opened and I turned to see it was Alice.

"What's up darlin?"

Jasper asked as he held his arm out for her to join us, and in true pixie fashion she flitted over and joined the hug before turning to the door.

"Come on in!"

I was confused at who she could be talking to other than Felix or possibly Demetri, who I had no clue was back home. I squirmed out of my hold and over to him.

"Demi! I'm so happy you're okay, I was so worried about you!"

He smiled at me before shooting a smile behind me. He winked at Alice and that confused me but my attention was drawn back to him when he cleared his throat.

"Well... I'm known to be very tricky in this coven Di, so I need you to put this blindfold on and let Jasper help me lead you to where I'm taking you. Jasper?"

My brother appeared beside me and placed the blindfold on before placing his hands on my shoulders and leading me behind Demitri, I once again felt butterflies of nerves. After a few minutes he spoke

"Lydia I'm gonna have Jasper take your blindfold off now, but I need you to keep your eyes closed. And you can only open them when I tell you to. Okay? "

I nodded and bounced nervously on my toes as I waited for the signal to open my eyes. I heard him take a breath.

"3... 2... 1... Now."

A/N: I'm sorry for the cliffhanger...

My invisible flame (A Caius Volturi love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora