A new life and my backstory

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My eyes shot open and I could see everything but so much clearer. I shot up like a rocket. I moved so fast! I whipped my head around, I do not like what I see. I'm in a cold dingy room.

"Slow down there young one, you don't wanna pop your own head off." An Irish male's voice rang out. I snapped my fingers, a nervous habit and I yelped when a spark of blue flames sprung from my hands. "Oh wonderful, you are interesting. I'd have hated to kill such a young newborn that I created." At this point I was beyond confused. "What do you mean a newborn? I'm 18! And why did flames spark from my hands!" The man sighed and sat down in front of me.

"I'll explain it to you, just let me finish before you ask questions okay?" I nodded and sat up.

"Well, to begin with, my name is Owen and I've been alive for a long time, I've been around since 2000 BC. I'm a vampire. And now so are you. I bit you, which killed you but it made you get a new life, you were reborn as a vampire, hence why I called you a newborn. As far as why flames sparked from your hands, you are a gifted vampire. What that means is that something horrific happened in your human life that triggered a power, in your case fire manipulation is what I'm suspecting." He took an unneeded breath and looked at me.

"I can see that it's a lot to take in, but I see something in you and I want to see where that progresses. We can start a coven of our own, a clan of vampires if you will. But for now, all I can say is we do have laws instilled by the Volturi, a group of vampires who rule over us. Do not show yourself to humans, do not make immortal children and do not make it noticeable when you feed and how often, it raises suspicions."

I closed my eyes and rubbed my hands over my face as I exhaled. "Whoa, that's a lot to take in, but the rules seem to be simple. I won't make a spectacle of myself, hell I was an outcast when I was human and I didn't really like most of them. Especially not in my village after what happened to my siblings."

Over the next few millennia I stayed with Owen, we met Guenevire, who ended up being his mate and we travelled the world. We saw the Vikings invade Paris which I didn't really mind, hell it gave us a buffet of humans to eat. I was an advisor to Henry the Fowler, Duke of Saxony and he was insane. I enjoyed many days messing around as the Westminster Abbey was built, I would rearrange their tools and materials and cackle from the shadows as things occasionally just burst into flame for no reason. Christ humans were stupid.

 Oh one thing we figured out was that along with my capability of flames I can make myself invisible. We came to that realisation one day when I freaked out because I thought I had seen Jane and Alec which I knew wasn't possible. I wished nothing more than to not be there and I was invisible.

Sorry, back to my escapades, however somewhere between Billy and Genghis, Owen, Gwen and I parted ways on good terms. I knew I could always count on them. Oh the battle of Normandy was hellish, William the Conqueror or, Billy as I had permission to call him was a genius strategist and such fun to plan things with. Boy it was annoying to watch schools come into effect knowing that I'd never be able to go. Watching Genghis Khan was interesting, he was a tiny little man but he was filled with so much rage, I must commend him on being so driven. I loved watching the discovery of Tenochitilian because it gave me new languages to learn. I'm quite the polyglot with 19 languages under my belt.

The invention of the printing press was one of my favourite times. I could finally learn how to read what I had written. I know, I'm ashamed that it took me till humans invented a press in order to learn how to read. After the printing press was created I'd settled down in a little town in a sleepy little village on the outskirts of France.  

I stayed there because it gave me the perfect opportunity to run through the forests in order to meet some of the greatest artists and painters there ever were. I met Martin Luther, the leader of the reform against Catholicism, an interesting mind but good lord was he boring. I stood besides Leonardo Da Vinci as he completed the Mona Lisa. Oh I hated William Shakespear, he would rant on and on and on about how men would always be the superior writers and women should remain hidden. Life was insane during the Bohemian Revolt, I mean another buffet for me, but it broke my heart seeing so many children die.

An annoying friend of mine who ended up being a genius was Renee Descartes, do you know I'm the one who told him "I think therefore I am" and he took all the credit! I got tired of Europe and Asia when the Ottoman empire invaded Crete, so I booked a boat trip to America when I landed in Massachusetts. I lived there peacefully on a farm until the witch trials, that spurred a massacre caused by me because I couldn't sit through that again, I wasn't gonna let innocent people die due to stupid accusations. I went on another rager when Blackbeard was killed, he was a dear friend and I was depressed when he was killed. I knew I was in trouble however when Owen and Guenivere showed up to warn me that my rampages were beginning to cause suspicion from the Volturi. Needless to say I stayed in hiding until Upper and Lower Canada was formed, I moved there and remained in hiding, only killing animals, nowhere near as filling as delicious human blood but it sustained me.

Around the time Jefferson became president I had gained confidence to explore the new world again. I hated the period when all women would wear these stupid frilly dresses inspired by the characters in Jane Austen books. That lady never knew when to stop talking, so I decided to keep my little house in Texas and go back to Europe for a little while. Mary Shelley, yes the one who wrote Frankenstein was a dear friend of mine. I spent about a decade in Europe before going back to Texas where my little cottage was no more.

This was also during the time when I met a dear friend, Major Jasper Whitlock. He was younger than he claimed but he was a good man. I had found out he was turned into a vampire shortly before we met, but he was already part of a coven, so I stayed hidden from his coven mates but we became close friends and I was sad when we parted ways.

I had to remain quiet when my anger bubbled when I found out that the United States had decided to have segregation and slaves. I had a safe house where I made sure they could live happily and without worries because people are people regardless of their skin colour. And NO, I did not do that so I could have meals whenever I felt like it. I was fully off my human diet and I had been for nearly 60 years.

When those events were over I went back into solitude and I was quite happy, I'd moved to a small town in Quebec near the border of America where there were plenty of wolves and bears and deer running around.

Around 1920 I wandered around in Chicago where I met a young man with a goal of making the world happy. A few years later I heard he reached his goal and the Walt Disney company was made and I was happy for him. This was also around the time when I started feeling like I needed to be a part of something bigger.

The end of 1950 changed my life. I was in the Cinema watching "Little Women", a change for me but the world was changing. I sighed and got myself comfy when all of a sudden a very familiar man with blonde hair sat down besides me, when I realized who it was I jumped on him and tackled him in a hug. 

My invisible flame (A Caius Volturi love story)Where stories live. Discover now