A new connection

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I lay on the concrete slab and looked up at the ceiling of the room and I hummed my lullaby from Caius. I jumped and tried to hide when the door opened and some guy I'd never seen before entered.

"Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm a new recruit here, I know you were part of the Cullen's before they disbanded. I hung around with Rosalie and Emmett for a little while. I was sent to your room to try and get you to open up to me. But I don't want you to do anything you don't want to or feel comfortable."

I had my guard up around this guy. Sure he claimed to know Em and Rose but that didn't mean that I could trust him, for god sake I just met him.

"I can feel your guard up Lydia. Let me ease your mind a little. I'm Ronald. My power is physical healing and mental ease. In other words, they chose me because they're going to continue to torture you until they get what they want. And they have me to fix you up."

I was shocked but thankful for his honesty but I still wasn't gonna talk to him about anything until I knew I could trust him.

"Thanks for telling me their plan. I don't trust you but it'll be nice to have someone to talk to."

He smiled at me as he tossed me a blood bag.

"From my personal stash. I hope it's good."

I drank it hungrily and moaned softly at the taste of the delicious blood that had hints of cocoa. He was watching me amazed. I passed him the empty bag and smirked.

"What? Never seen a vampire drain a bag so fast?"

He shook his head.

"I have, but I've never seen one drain it so cleanly before. That's impressive."

I laughed at him while rolling my eyes. I could get used to his sense of humour.

The next couple of weeks were spent the same, he would attend the torture sessions with me, take me back to my room and bring me a blood bag to help with my healing. I realised that I could trust him. I just needed to do one more test to be sure. The day before my next torture session which I learned was every other day I opened up about why I hated Timothy so much and I made sure to add on every detail about how I wanted to kill him and burn his face off.

I knew he had daily check-ins with Timothy so I waited until he came back to my room and I knew I needed to come up with a reason to touch his hand to read his mind.

"Hey Ron? D'ya wanna make a handshake? Y'know, since I've been stuck in here for so long I wanna do something creative. Pleaseeeeeee?"

I whined at him and stuck my hand out. He sighed and walked towards me shaking his head.

"The things I do for you kid. I swear it but sure. Let's do it."

I was glad my plan worked. I gripped his hand and pretended to go along with his movements but was really seeing his conversation with Timothy and none of it included him rating me out to Timothy. I knew it was time to slightly open up.

"Y'know it's real hard when you're supposed to be the queen and you have so many powers when the king who reads minds thinks everything is his play thing and that he can run rough shots over everyone. I have to stay strong though to protect myself and my siblings."

He watched me intently as I spoke and honestly, it felt really good to talk to someone and I felt slightly at ease. I relaxed against the wall as he told me anything he could remember about his human life. For the first time since I'd been here, I felt like I could make it out as long as I had him on my side.

A/N: What do we think of Ronald? Also the next two chapters are in Volterra so they will not be in Lydia's PoV.

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