Two Kings and A Queen

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As I hung upside down, a habit I'd picked up I was humming softly, the piano melody that Caius composed and played for me last night. He dubbed it my lullaby and I'd been enraptured by it ever since. A quiet knock was at the door and Caius was soon to open it, only to find an envelope with my name in elegant writing on it.

"Gattina, I believe this is for you, would you like me to open it?"

I nodded still hanging and humming my lullaby. I only really paid attention when he was in front of me, I smiled up at him and winked which caused him to chuckle before he spoke.

"It appears that my brothers and Sulpicia would enjoy getting to know you. Aro has requested you in the office quarters. I'll escort you gattina."

Before I had the chance to say anything he had picked me up bridal style and planted a kiss on my nose. I giggled and smiled shyly as he began to walk, the two of us harmonising in humming the beautiful music he'd made me. It was almost like we had floated to the door, it was way too quick for my liking, and clearly his as he huffed in annoyance as he placed me on the floor in front of the door. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on my forehead before he vanished. A faint echo of an I love you ever so softly was heard. I took that as my cue to knock on the door.

"Come in come in please dear Lydia."

I heard Aro's unmistakable falsetto voice respond. I pushed the door open and entered the room as gracefully as I could, given the fact that I was in black dress pants and a grey shirt with bell sleeves.

"Hello Aro, Sulpicia and Marcus."

I curtseyed which caused Sulpicia to giggle.

"No dear one, you are to be queen, an equal among us. There is no need to curtsy. Aro tells her, explain it to her as she looks fairly confused."

Sulpicia turned to look at him with a piercing glare as she spoke, clearly not liking the fact that I hadn't been brought up to code on what was happening. Aro breathed unnecessarily through his nose before he nodded.

"My darling wife is right, Lydia. You are to be queen as you are Caius' mate. Between myself, Sulpicia, Marcus and your dear Caius there needn't be any formalities, however when we need to be formal, all of the guard is to address you as "mistress" or "my lady" and when the day does come, "my queen". That goes for all members of the guard, and yes Lydia, before you ask. That goes for Jane and Alec as well. Now enough formalities I requested your presence today so that you would become more comfortable around myself, my dear and Marcus. I hope that's alright with you."

Aro finished that sentence with so much formality that I knew he said it just to be polite, there was no arguing this. I was spending the day with the three of them.

"Of course it is Aro, I am delighted to get to know you and your wife, and obviously you as well Marcus."

Marcus smiled knowingly at me and I felt slightly safer with him there rather than just the overly controlling king, that Aro clearly was.

"Oh how brilliant! I would love to challenge you to a battle of strategy and wit in chess as we discuss wars and battles you've been in. Sulpicia, you're welcome to ask her any questions as well. Marcus I already know your plan to get to know her which you can discuss later as I know you prefer to observe rather than engage."

Aro spoke with so much power that it seemed like no one could ever disagree with him without an uproar happening. I didn't particularly like that but I wasn't gonna say anything. As he spoke, Sulpicia set out a chess board as she grabbed a book and nestled into the sofa nearest to the chair with its back to the fireplace. I knew better than to sit down before Aro, even if I was to be his equal I still had manners.

"Please, please, sit down Lydia, let our game and discussions begin."

I spent the next 4 hours engaged in two games of chess with Aro while he quizzed me eagerly about all of the battles I'd been privy to or helped to plan. He was particularly interested in the battle of Normandy which had been extremely bloody.

"Oh how fascinating!"

He exclaimed, clapping his hands as I explained how William the Conqueror had plotted to win the war. Sulpicia was interested as well as she leaned on the table and gazed at me with interest. I liked her. I found out we had much in common. I hoped she could become a good friend in the castle.

"Now, I believe that your questions will be answered Lydia, I am aware that you plan to ask my dear brother about the bonds, and he is very interested in explaining it to you. For now, Sulpicia and I must bid you farewell and attend to other matters. However it was an absolute pleasure getting to know you. You are very well suited for my brother."

As he finished his sentence he and Sulpicia flashed out of the room. I turned to look at Marcus who wore a lazy smile, something I knew was a rarity.

"I have been waiting for time alone with you dear Lydia. I can see based on your eyes how curious you are regarding the bonds. There are many types of bonds and they are identified through colour and vibrance. The brighter the bond the stronger the connection. I can also tell you who and what your strongest bonds are. I'll start with whoever you're most curious about."

I nodded enthusiastically and thought for a minute.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to start with the bond between me and my siblings."

I needed to know how strongly we were connected to each other despite how long we were apart. Marcus nodded and once again smiled knowingly as if he suspected that would be the first one.

"The one connecting you and your siblings is a bright vibrant green band. It branches out to the twins and one more who I can not place yet, a soul sibling is someone who completes you as much as you complete them. One who is there for you and loves you purely but in the most platonic, friendly way. I can see by the look on your face that you know who that is."

I nodded and smiled brightly.

"I'm sure it would be Jasper Hale, I'm sure you've met him. That does make a lot of sense now. The second one is also going to be evident. Me and Caius."

Marcus nodded his head and closed his eyes before he began.

"Your bond to Caius is quite possibly the brightest bond I have ever seen. It is pure gold, that means you two are true mates, the rarest but most special kind. You are literally made for him, as he is for you. When you fight or are separated it can cause a pain as agonising as the transformation."

I was happy and slightly overwhelmed by that but I knew it would be something to that extent. I had also come to learn that I had a parental bond in blue to Gwen and Owen though it wasn't bright. I also had a yellow bond to Marcus which meant he would become my father figure should something happen to Owen. Another bond I found out I had was an orange one and it connected to all the guards which meant they were already loyal to me. By the end of the chat I was full of knowledge but I needed to wrap my head around it all.

"Thank you so much Marcus, this was a lot of information but it was really interesting. I look forward to our next chat. I hope you have a pleasant day."

He smiled at me and waved as I closed the door. When I faced the hallway Felix and Demitri were in front of me.

"Hiya mistress, boy do we have fun planned for you."

Before I could answer I was thrown over Felix the big oaf's shoulder. All I could think was what could they have planned for me now.

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