Near Death

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Lydia's PoV

I was jolted from my attempt at relaxation when the door flew open and Kyle and Timothy walked in. I knew I was in for it by the sadistic smiles on their faces. Thomas walked towards me like I was his prey and Kyle stood in front of the door.

"Well Lydia, it seems that someone has been lying to us and withholding some very helpful information regarding the Volturi. And before we deal with the lying little bird. We're gonna give her one last chance to answer our questions before she gets a horrible punishment."

I was determined to hold my resolve and continue to ignore them no matter what they threw at me. I was terrified but I had to stay strong. I hummed my lullaby in an attempt to quell my nerves as they wheeled me into the room and I saw a woman I'd never seen before.

"Hello Lydia, I'd say it's nice to meet you but it'd be nicer for you to be dead but anyways. I'm Kamryn and it has come to my attention that you've lied. As I know my dear mate has explained, you're given one more chance. You don't answer a question, you face a consequence. You don't answer 5 and I break your trust before you face a horrible consequence. Ready? No, well too bad."

I rolled my eyes at this dumb broad. That turned out to be a bad idea as electricity coursed through me. But I stayed silent. 

"Question one, who are the most powerful guards and what are their powers?"

Please lady, I didn't answer this before and I won't now. I guess I tempted her long enough with my silence as I shrieked in pain as my right leg was torn off.

"WHAT THE HELL LADY! That was uncalled for."

She cackled at me before she waltzed forward.

"That you little witch was your punishment. Don't answer and lose a limb. Don't answer 5 and lose your head. Simple as that."

I didn't care what they did. I was not turning on my coven and my mate.

"Ookay then miss tough n tumble. Let's try question two. Who are the kings and what are their powers?"

Again I ignored her and there went my left leg which made me bite my tongue so hard it nearly broke off. I was in a stupid amount of pain but I wasn't about to let her get that satisfaction. This went on for another two questions and I lost both my arms.

"You're a real stubborn stupid bimbo. What you're too stupid to see is that Ronald here is a spy for us. He tricked you into talking to him and it burned you in the ass because he reported everything back to us. Isn't that right Ronnie?"

I growled at him as hurt flashed across my face. I knew I shouldn't have trusted him. I knew he was a snake. He shrugged at me but didn't make eye contact, good. I hope he feels guilty.

"I don't have a last question for you. Kyle, rip her head off."

I didn't have time to scream before once again my world was dark.

Third person PoV

Lydia's now severed body was taken back to her room by Ronald who was tasked with watching over her. He knew she would be pissed at him when she woke up. He had his reasons for doing what he did and he only hoped that he could finally get his wish. A good king and queen ruling over the vampires and his death. He had been alive for ages and couldn't handle it anymore. 

"Lydia, I wish I hadn't tricked you. You're gonna be a great queen. I'm proud of you."

He knew he wouldn't make it out but that was his choice. He prayed that someone would come and save the young queen from whatever hell was happening here. 

My invisible flame (A Caius Volturi love story)Where stories live. Discover now