A day full of memories

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I hung upside down off my bed as I read "The Fault in Our Stars" snorting every time it got too mushy. While I appreciated the romance now that I had Caius I still don't like romance but it was a well written book regardless. I sighed as I finished the last page of the book before I threw it onto my bed and began to braid my hair upside down. I had just about finished braiding it when someone knocked on my door.

"Who is it?" I called out.

"Ya-ya it's us, can we come in??" My baby brother asked.

I giggled before responding.

"Yes guys, come in."

They entered my room and started laughing as they saw my position.

"What the hell are you two young ones laughing at? Hmm?"

I was really wondering what could be so funny before I glanced upwards and rolled my eyes before I flipped downwards and landed upright. I brushed myself off and spun to face them.

"Al, Janey, how can I help you two darlings today? Has my mate been keeping you busy?? Treating you nicely? He hasn't been rude to you has he? If he has, I swear he'll regret it!" It was amazing how quickly I could go from being nice to deadly when it comes to my siblings.

"No no sister, nothing of the sort has happened. On the contrary actually he's been very nice to us, nicer than usual, but I suppose that has to do with us being your siblings. Anyways we were wondering if you'd like to spend the day with us as we've missed you dearly after a millennia of being without you." Alec said as he and Jane fiddled with their fingers bashfully.

It amazed me how shy and innocent they could be when it was just them and I. I wandered over to them and hugged them tightly.

"My dear little ones I've missed you more than you could ever know. I would like nothing more than for us to spend the day together like we used to when we were alive." I whispered as I kissed their foreheads.

They grabbed my hands and literally dragged me through the castle to their room where a massive tv was and shelves upon shelves of movies lined the walls. They let go of my hands and let me explore with Cheshire grins on their faces. I wandered towards the fantasy section and trailed my finger along the titles I'd come to love but I squeaked when I made my way to the horror section and saw all my favourite titles. I spun on my heels clutching the movie in my hands as I saw Alec sadly slide a crisp 100 dollar bill into Jane's hands.

"What's that all about cherubs?"

I hummed as I walked over to them to see Jane smiling sweetly at me while Alec looked like he sucked on a lemon.

"Well it seems that Alec here has failed to remember that I know you better than he knows you. We made a bet to see what movie you'd pick. I bet him it'd be the classic 1990's IT and he bet that you'd go for Labyrinth. I was right. I knew you wouldn't go for that."

I giggled at the two of them and flitted over to the mini fridge in the room which I knew was stocked with blood bags. I knew them well enough to know that even though they were two of the most feared vampires they still loved to be kids and staying up giggling with each other and they had blood bags to keep them in their room rather than looking for a body. I grabbed one for each of us as Jane placed the movie in the DVD player. The second the movie started the door flew open.

"JANE! ALEC! WHERE IS MY MATE! SHE IS NOT IN HER ROO... Oh... Hi gattina I was just wondering where you were as I ummm would have just liked to spend time with you because I missed you." He trailed off at the end looking down and scuffing his feet.

I couldn't help but giggle at my mate. He never really let his guard down around anyone other than his brothers, Sulpicia and myself. And now, because they were my siblings Jane and Alec were now included in that little circle. I glared at them when I saw the smirks on their faces and instantly they were stone cold again.

"Tesoro, I've missed you as well but since I've been here I've spent virtually no time with my siblings and I promised them that I would have a day with them. So as much as I'd love to spend time with you, I have to ask you to understand that I promised them this and I am now promising you, a day with you, just you and I no interruptions. Just my tesoro and me. Is that fair, handsome?"

I threw in a little extra charm at the end, brushing a strand of his golden hair behind his ear, trailing my thumb along his jawline. I knew it worked when his eyes darkened and he purred softly.

"Okay Gattina, but please don't do anything rash? I care about you a lot amore mio and I do not want anything happening to you." He whispered as he leaned forwards and kissed my head softly, he lingered there for a few moments before he pulled away heaving a huge sigh.

"Jane, Alec, make sure my mate has a grand time, but keep her safe. Forse non lo sa ancora, ma lei è il mio tutto. Gattina, I shall see you tomorrow."

With that he was out of the door and in the same second I was whisked over the back of the sofa as my siblings cuddled into my side, sipping their blood bags like they were Kool-Aid pouches.

We spend the remainder of the day yelling at the stupid characters in horror movies, having chugging contests with the blood bags and telling stories about all of the adventures we had without each other and planning future adventures. I missed them and moments like this and I'd be damned if I'd let anything in my power ruin this and my happiness. However a small part of me was very excited for tomorrow with Caius and what our future held. 

My invisible flame (A Caius Volturi love story)Where stories live. Discover now