An impression with the Guard

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I laughed to myself as I remembered how Felix quaked in fear when Jane used her power on him but that was quickly cut off when he promptly dropped me and I landed square on my butt. I glared up at him and he rightfully looked terrified, I wasn't sure who more of me or Jane. But I knew we were in sync when at the exact same time two voices were heard yelling the same thing.


The entire room already filled with moving statues came to a solid halt as everyone stared at Jane, Demitri, Felix and I. Demitri who had his wits about him was quick to offer me aid in getting back to my feet. I held a hand up at my little sister who had a murderous glare on her face as she looked at the big oaf. I stepped forward and looked at Felix and I made sure that my eyes held flames.

"Now, Felix, I'm positive you didn't intentionally drop the soon to be queen on her butt on purpose, but don't worry. All is forgiven, let's go on with the day and hope no further incidents occur hmm?"

I cooed almost patronisingly and he nodded instantly, eyes wide with fear. I heard someone clear their throat and flashed around to see who had done so only to see a very gangly, slender young man with raven black hair that almost looked blue.

"I I apologise mistress, I was just trying to alleviate the tension by hoping to introduce myself before the rounds of fights began. I am Randolph, it is a pleasure to officially meet you."

He bowed which caused every other vampire except Jane to do the same. She was still shaking with rage. I walked over to her and kissed her forehead and wrapped my arm around her shoulder before addressing Randolph and the room.

"It is my pleasure to meet you Randolph, as well as all of you. I'm sure we're going to get to know each other well as I stay in the Volturi. Now, most of if not all of you know that Caius is my mate and that Alec and Jane here are my siblings. I would recommend not pissing them off regarding me, nor I regarding them as it can get lethal. And as for these fights, I would hope that I am a part of them as well as this is the ideal bonding experience for us to get to know one another."

All of the guards looked shocked for a split second before the room erupted in cheers. My sister tucked herself into my side as she led me to where the fights were supposed to take place.

I smirked when I saw who the announcer of the fights were, and I should have known it would be my little brother. He always had to be the announcer even when he and Jane fought at home when they were humans.

"First up in the ring we have a shocker as they never fight but I suppose they'd like to make an impression with the queen. I will never get used to saying that about my sister but whatever. It's Chelsea and Corin."

I watched the two beautiful women fight gracefully before I heard a man's voice pipe up and I turned to look at him with an indignant look.

"Come on Sea, Corin's done nothing but keep Athenodora and Sulpicia happy for the past how many years? You should be able to kick her ass!"

"Who the hell are you and why do you think you have a say... Damn it! You made me miss the end, well you should be happy, Chelsea won."

I huffed angrily as Jane giggled softly before straightening up as the guy and Chelsea approached me.

"I am Afton your queenliness and this is Chelsea she's my mate. I have a gift which is why I am part of the higher guard. I can make myself invisible as well as someone standing close to me."

Afton seemed rather smug about his gift and I couldn't wait for him to see my power. I poked Jane in the nose as she giggled from her position under my arm as Chelsea introduced herself.

"Hello my lady, I am Chelsea and yes this braggart is my mate. I can control and manipulate relationships. Do not worry though, my allegiance is to you and the kings."

I nodded, not really in the mood to talk as I had other plans. Ones that involved Felix and revenge, thankfully Jane noticed this and brushed them off. After about eight or nine more fights I looked towards Alec with fire in my eyes before nodding my head towards Felix. Thankfully he's smart and caught on.

"Attention everyone, we have one final surprise fight of the day. A fight that I quite look forward to seeing the result of. This fight is between Felix and Lydia!"

The room went still and silent as Felix turned towards me with wide eyes before he smirked at me. He motioned me forward to the makeshift circle. I slipped out of Jane's grasp before doing a handspring and a back flip before I landed in front of him smirking right back at him.

"Now, don't hold back just cuz I'm Caius' mate or the twins' sibling. I want you to fight me the same way you would anyone. Especially Demitri."

I knew I was playing with fire when I said that because he growled and lunged at me. I dodged it with ease flipping over his head.

"Nice try Fefe. Gonna take more than that to knock me down."

I knew I was taunting this exceptionally strong vampire but he interrupted my first kiss with Caius and made me quite literally fall on my ass in front of all of the guards. I wanted them all to know I was on their side 100% and could defend myself. We continued in our sparring match for quite sometime exchanging taunts and grunts when one or the other landed a hit. I had to admit he was wearing me down. That was until I got a spark of enthusiasm.

"GO YAYA! Show him who's the boss!"

This was followed by cheers for Felix from who I now knew was Santiago.

"Teach the new queen a lesson Fe! Show her how strong you are."

And with that the two of us got a renewed spark of competitiveness. I smirked at him as I flashed behind him, finally putting my invisibility to use. He stumbled but quickly recovered before I landed on a ledge just over his head, taunting him. I wanted him to feel like he won, until he didn't. He was definitely skilled in battle but he was very predictable. He grabbed my foot and yanked me down, effectively pinning me down or so he thought. Within a second I was sitting on his back with one of his arms up behind his head. He was squirming until he felt the heat.

"So I didn't mention I can turn invisible and cook you alive? Sorry Fefe. I win."

I chirped as I hopped off of him with a smile as he stood gawking at me.

"I hope that proved to you all that while I am the new queen I am not weak and I can handle myself. Lex, Janey I wanna go see Caius. I'll see you all later, once again the pleasure was mine."

I skipped out of the room with my twins cackling behind me clearly having enjoyed the sight.

"I'm going to defend her with my life. WOW is she skilled."

A stunned Felix spoke after I left the room but I still heard that and the murmurs of agreement.

My invisible flame (A Caius Volturi love story)Where stories live. Discover now