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Lydia's PoV

I was in absolute hell. I was scared to death of what was gonna happen because Kyle told me I was in for a horrific week. Apparently his bosses wanted answers and they wanted them sooner than later. I had thankfully managed to be good enough to get my arms out of the cuffs they'd been in, although not without serious scarring and damage.

"Get ready, little wench! It's time for day one of fun! Hehe, well fun for us. The beginning of a nightmare for you, a week long nightmare that who knows if you'll make it out of. Oh I should have mentioned, the bosses are gonna be here for this. So put on a good show, they wanna see the pain."

With that he clicked the back of the board I was on and suddenly I was lying down, staring up at Kyle.

"Oh, should have mentioned, this turns into a gurney where I can move you anywhere needed. Sorry, not really, I'm enjoying messing with you."

I growled and he seemed to forget that I was able to move my hands freely. I shot my right hand out and wrapped it around his throat and began to burn him before someone else slammed my arms back down and locked them back in place. 


Kyle shrieked as he stared down at me with wide eyes and I couldn't help but smirk up at him with fire flashing in my eyes. It only occurred to me to look at the man standing beside him at that moment and when I did I let out a piercing shriek as I tried to claw unsuccessfully at the cuffs. Standing in front of me was my nightmare come true.

"H how the fuck are you alive! You can't be here no no no! This can not be possible!"

My eyes filled with crystal tears that would never fall. And he caused me to panic so much as I thrashed around. I needed to get out of here.

"Hello again Lydia. The surprise on your face is priceless. I wish I recorded it to keep it forever. But yeah, I'm the mastermind behind the Wallingbay coven, well, my mate and I but you'll meet her later. Now, it's on to the first session of torture for you."

Kyle wheeled me into a room where a spotlight was focused on the middle of it and I knew deep down that that was where they were going to start my torture. I knew I had to be strong mentally. I was not going to give away any information on the Volturi.

"Now shall we begin??"

Timothy growled as he stood in front of me grinning just as sadistically as he did the day my life changed forever. I glared at him and built up a steely resolve. I was strong and I could handle anything they threw at me.

"Now... who are the strongest guard members and what are their powers? Don't tell me about the big meatball, Fernando, Frank, Fred, whatever his name is, we know about him and the tracker."

I rolled my eyes. The people who he wanted to know about were my siblings and close friends they weren't getting anything out of me. I screamed and jolted as I felt electricity go through me and it was nearly as painful as the venom on my wrists.

"Ohh... I'm sorry did that hurt?? Good. Maybe you'll answer the question now. Who are they?"

Timothy growled his nasty face inches from mine and I glared at him with a snarl. I could take pain. He rolled his eyes and nodded to the shadows and I growled as I felt an even stronger jolt of electricity shoot through me. This one was strong enough that I had tears in my eyes.

"Why couldn't you have been this stubborn the night I thought that I killed you? It would have made it so much better. Now, think very carefully about how you respond to this. Who are they and what are their powers."

This time I had a plan. I opened my mouth before I sighed.

"Okay, but come here, I'll whisper it so it doesn't feel like such a betrayal."

He seemed to like that so he came close enough to me and I spit fire in his face, a little trick I'd discovered on a feeding spree in the dungeon. He reeled backwards and screamed in pain as he motioned for an even larger surge through me. This time I screamed so loudly I saw stars and it didn't stop.

"JESUS CHRIST! OKAY! I'll talk."

I was determined to keep everyone safe even if it meant lying and getting hurt. I sighed and pretended to look upset.

"We have a vampire on the guard named Naomi and she can control people's emotions. She keeps everyone happy and can trick guards into following any order."

He seemed to be content with that as he smirked down at me.

"Well now that you seem to react positively to the electricity, let's see how you respond to mental manipulation. Kyle, do what I told you to do."

Now I was scared because Timothy was a cruel sadistic man and Kyle's power seriously frightened me. I closed my eyes and prepared for the worst.

"What powers do the kings have and what are their weaknesses? I truly suggest that you respond to this correctly. Although I do want to see how you react to this. Kyle, get ready."

I growled at him and looked in another direction before my face was jolted to face upwards and I looked at Kyle's dirty mug. He smiled down at me, one of the most horrific smiles I had ever seen before he touched my temples.

I screamed as my eyes closed and I was thrown into darkness.

When my eyes opened again I wished I was dead.

It was a cold grey night and in front of me I saw two familiar humans walking down the street before the man pushed the woman against the wall. I wanted to close my eyes and walk away but I couldn't. I was stuck in place as I rewatched the night I thought I lost everything. I was forced to see the whole thing.

I didn't like what happened next as the world shifted and I was in front of a huge bonfire. My stomach turned as I smelled skin being burned. I dropped to my knees as I heard Jane's screams and Alec's sobs.

"Let us go! Please let us go! We haven't done anything wrong! Lydia! Please come save us! Please Ly! We need you!"

Crystal tears that never fell burned at my eyes as venom bile burned in the back of my throat as I was pulled back to reality. Once my eyes refocused I was too weak and skittish to respond and I knew I needed a break as I was trembling like a leaf.

"Timothy, Kyle, let her be. Bring her a body. She'll be no use to us if she's mentally dead. Bring her back to her room and let her come to her senses. We can continue another time."

A very scratchy female's voice rang out and I couldn't have been more thankful. I closed my eyes and tried to stop the tremors. My ears burned with the screams and sobs of my siblings and I just wanted to go home. I didn't know how much longer I could handle all of this.

A/N: This was a really hard chapter to write. I hope you enjoyed it, please like and comment on my story, it'd mean a lot xx 

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