AuStOrA q&A qUeStIoN sUbMiSsIoN (CLOSED)

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So first off I want to say something completely unrelated to what the rest of this part will be about; somehow my random book has made it to 100 parts *dies laughing* Why should I be surprised since I'm literally one of the most random people on planet Earth?

So yeah. Anyway, thanks for sticking with my freaky randomness xD

So now on to the good stuff!!

Sooooooo (seriously why do I start off all of  my paragraphs with so *eye roll*) let's do this! If you participated or read the last one of these that I did for Golden Rain, then you know how this works. Buuuut if you didn't then here's how it will go!

At the end of this part I will leave a line where you can comment questions that you want to ask the characters of Austora. I will leave it open until I publish the last chapter of Austora and then answer these questions based on the time period directly after the end of chapter 24 (just so there is no confusion on what is currently happening in the Austoraverse).

The characters you can ask questions are: Saidy, Larklind, Braz, Asria, Kartren, Gentry, and Ezalie. I know some of you might have questions for other characters, but I feel like seven characters is the most I'll be able to handle, sorry xD

Also, for those of you new to this, please format your questions in the comments accordingly:

(Character you want to ask) - (question)

Example: Saidy - what is your favorite color?

Thank you for doing this! It really helps me transfer the questions over more easily <3

Alrightie, ask away here!! ----->

I'm really excited to do this again and see all of your questions! Oh, also, I know a lot of you will follow this rule anyway, but I thought I'd put it out there: please no inappropriate questions. If you do ask an inappropriate question, I will delete your comment and not answer any of your questions at all so it's in both of our best interests to keep 'em nice xD

Love y'all! Thanks for those of you who are participating! <3

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