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"What are you doing?" Her loud voice ranged around and with a jerk the man turned. He hid the box of cupcakes behind and showed a large smile on his face.


"Ewww! How cheesy! You are behaving cringed." She complained glaring at him.

Krisha turned back to the fridge and opened the door bringing out the ice-cream box from it. She gave a big smile at the box and hurriedly opened it taking spoonful of it inside her mouth and then moaning in satisfaction.

Ritvik did hurry and snatched the box from her. He put the ice-cream and cupcakes inside then locked the fridge and placed it's key out of her reach.


She chided clutching his shirt and shook him for his act.

"Yeah that's my name. And I'm warning you. If again you touched any kind of sweet dishes like ice-cream, cupcakes, etc. Then you will get a strict diet with doctor's advice." He warned her showing the fore finger but without waiting for anything she bite on it.

"Who are you to stop me? I will eat anything I want! Don't forget I'm pregnant!"

She told and walked outside the kitchen with ritvik behind to grab his eight months pregnant wife.

Yeah, they were going to become parents finally. Initially it was not happening and that was depressing krisha but when they got the news every worry and sadness gone from the way. Though once after she conceived there were many huddles in way. She suffered from High Bp and got diabetes.

"That's my line! You have forgotten that you are PREGNANT dear wife!" He caught her in his arms and made her sit on the couch comfortably. He gave the medicines to her. She gulped then in one go not before giving a death glare to him.

"I hate you!" She hissed yawning his hand away from her face.

"See how your mother is behaving! She will definitely spoil you with her behavior. Here your daddy is taking so much care of her and she being the stubborn one isn't heating to me."

He complained creasing her grown up belly and as a response got a kick from the baby inside her womb.

Ritvik's eyes twinkled up and he gave a victorious smile to which krisha bitterly smile and yawn away his palm.

"Don't be so happy! He is kicking you away for making him eat boring food__"

"Unfortunately wrong wifey, it's a positive response for what I said."

She puffed her cheeks and crossed her arms over her chest. Ritvik chuckled at her and then kissed on her cheek.

"My love, control yourself for few more weeks. And see I'm also on strict diet to accompany you then why are you cheating?"

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