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'Don't show me your face again!'

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'Don't show me your face again!'

Those words ranged loudly in his ears. From the morning he was feeling frustrated over every small things. The reason behind it, was the sudden burst out.

What suddenly happened to him? Why did behave like a jerk to his own love? He couldn't understand why all this happening. He had went home to get some peace but instead that unnecessary burst out destroyed everything.

Inhaling a deep breathe he opened his eyes and leaned back on the chair while shutting down the laptop before him. He was randomly staring at the ceiling of his cabin when the mobile started buzzing.

Desperately picking it he saw her name. A sigh left and he felt the urge to talk with her.


"Sir! There's some lady making scene outside. She is yelling on the receptionist and demanding your presence." One of the employees came inside the cabin without knocking it. Ritvik put the mobile over the desk and moved to him.

"What? Who is she?"

"No idea sir! Please look after it." He requested.

"Call her inside. I will talk to her." He told and waited for sometime.

A lady in her mid 20's appeared. He cluelessly looked at her then approaching her inside asked her to sir.

"Do i know you?"

He directly asked and she shook her head negatively. Ritvik narrowed his eyebrow and then saw her shedding tears.

"I'm sorry for creating a scene there but it was important. I really wanted to meet you. I didn't have any other way out_"

"What are you talking about? Come to the topic! What do you want from me?" She looked at him with nervousness.

Noticing it he passed the glass of water which she gulped down in seconds.

"I__Hrithik and me were together__"

She paused and with that ritvik's reaction changed. Now he was able to join the dots about his brother's unusual behavior.

"We were together from few months, almost a year. But he broke up with me__without any reason__"

"Are you complaining about your relationship? And if he broke up then maybe there's some reason behind it. You both are not children that I will come and fix it. Accept the situation and move on."

He simply said. It was expected as he never knew about hrithik's relationship. He always used to behave like a playboy and now suddenly his girlfriend__ ex-girlfriend appeared and started complaining.

"That's not the point. I would have accepted it if there was some reason but everything was going right. We were happy. That day when I gave him the news__"

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