|𝟵|~ 𝗔 𝗙𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆 𝗥𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱 ∙

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Olaf breaths fast as he curls his twigs at his sides with nervous eyes. "This will all make sense when I'm older." He gasps out, and whimpers as a small blue ball detached itself from the fire.

It crawls along a nearby tree. "Fire spirit!" Someone yells, and backs away as it scurries onto the ground and sets the leaves alight. It hops from tree to tree before ducking past (Y/N)'a head and running around.

(Y/N) glares at the creature, before breathing in deep and shooting rays of orange magic from her palms. The magic instantly crystallizes around the fire and extinguishes it instantly.

Espen watches his girlfriend with a slacked jaw as she fires magic after magic, and turns to her boyfriend with a scoff. "Excuse me? A little help here would be nice!" She yells, and chases after the creature.

Espen shakes his head and nods quickly. "Right! Help..yeah I can do that."


One of the Northuldra, a young man, watches with wide eyes as the reindeer all break free form their restraints and sprint deeper into the forest. "No, no, no, the reindeer! That's a dead end!"

Kristoff turns around and immediately jumps into action. He hops atop Sven and clicks his reigns. "We'll get them!" He yells, and races after the animals.


Panicked shouting and screams fill the air as Anna leads more people out of the forest and to safety. She turns around and gasps as she sees both her brother and best friend still trapped within the wall of fire.

"Espen! (Y/N)! Get out of there!" Neither of the two seem to hear her as they go back to back, and shoot their magic none stop towards the spirit.

Both magical beings powers molded together, and shifted into blue spikes with orange flecks in between. If they weren't to busy trying to put out the raging forest fire, they would admit that it looked quite beautiful.

"No, no, no!" Anna quickly sprints towards them, and jumps over fire covered leaves as her mind only led to one thing, getting her family to safety.


(Y/N) and Espen grow tired as they wave their arms around in annoyance as sweat drips form their brows at the heat.


They don't hear the call, but turn to eachother and nod before taking off again.


Anna feels her chest close in on itself as she coughs harshly and brings her scarf around her nose.


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