Chapter 34

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Gem walked behind the short brunette and gazed up at the lush trees above her. They were a deep green and lanterns hung from the thick branches. The dark haired girl in front of her turned.

"So, uh, I don't think that I introduced myself. My name is Shrub, Shrub Berry. And I'm the guardian of the Undergrove," she said.

Shrub had long dark brown hair that fell to just below her waist. Her tan overalls were smeared with dirt, probably from when she had been planting mushrooms earlier, and a yellow tulip was placed delicately in the front pocket. She wore a long sleeved mint green shirt underneath. A red hat that was decorated with white spots (and looked very much like a mushroom top), was balanced on her head. Being a gnome, she was short and only came up to Gem's middle. On her pointed ears was a single golden hoop earring.

Her piercing yellow eyes were playful, but also had a kind of sadness to them, almost as if she had lost something important.

They walked a little further before they came up to a rock wall covered in plants. Shrub pulled back some of the hanging vines and a cave appeared. The gnome gestured for Gem to walk inside. Gem ducked so then her tall wizard hat wouldn't scrape the top of the tunnel. Soon a purple glow came from the end of the tunnel and before long, a portal as tall as Gem came into view.

Shrub, having been behind the wizard, stepped closer to the portal. "This is it," she said, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Gem nodded.

"Then follow me," Shrub said glumly and walked calmly into the purple swirls.

Gem hesitated, what if this place really was too much for her to handle? Then she shivered again and remembered why she was doing this in the first place. She held up her hand and pressed her fingertips to the portal. They went right through. She plunged her head in next, followed by the rest of her body.

Nausea hit her like a brick wall.

Gem's stomach churned. And just as she thought she was gonna throw up, she fell onto the ground in front of her. The ground was red and lumpy, the air smelled like ash, and it was incredibly hot. Gem smiled, maybe this place really could help her warm up. Sure it was disgusting, but it was warm. That was all Gem needed.

Shrub crouched down next to her and waved her hand in front of Gem's face. "Hey, you alright? We're here." she said.

Gem nodded and stood up and Shrub followed suit.

"So, this is the Nether?" Gem asked.

"Yep," Shrub said enthusiastically.

"It's a lot... grosser than I imagined," the wizard continued.

"Mhm," Shrub said with the same tone as before. "Here, I brought mushroom soup. Let's find a place to sit down."

They walked for a few minutes before settling down in a nice open area, that way if anything was going to come after them, they would see it coming. The gnome had told her about all the different monsters that lived in the Nether, and Gem did not want to meet any of them. Shrub handed her a bowl of soup and Gem poured it into her mouth. Instantly she felt warmer. Gem smiled, "This is really good!" she said between mouthfuls.

Scrub looked up from her bowl, "It had better be. I made it myself," she laughed.

Gem finished her soup quickly and set her empty bowl down on the ground in front of her. She looked up at Shrub and frowned.

The gnome had been smiling a few moments ago, but now her eyes were wide. She looked shocked at something. It was unsettling how she was looking at Gem.

"Well, this was nice, thank you for bringing me here and showing me around, but I'm gonna go now." She got up and speed-walked back to the portal.

Now, maybe if Gem had followed Shrub's gaze, she would have noticed the white streak in her long hair turning a dark red.

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