Chapter 11

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Xornoth was looking out an open window when he saw his mother soar back into Rivendell. His maroon eyes scanned the landscape. His short magenta hair blew around and his pointed ears flicked from the cold breeze. He preferred warmth to cold. That thought got him thinking about Scott, and how he liked the cold.

He knew that Scott was gone, staying at another empire, and he knew it was wrong to think, but with Scott away from the castle, it was nice and peaceful. He had never told anyone, (and probably would never tell anyone his problems. No one else should have to deal with him.), but when Scott was crowned the champion of Aeor, the Great Stag God of Good, while Xornoth was the champion of Exor, the complete opposite, he felt overshadowed and like he would never be good enough for anyone. Don't get him wrong, he still loved his brother, he just wished that people would be less afraid of him, he wasn't a monster like Exor was.

He didn't even want to be a champion. But, being one of the princes of Rivendell, Xornoth knew that he was never going to be free.

He shuffled back inside and his antlers bumped on the window frame. Ugh.

Xornoth hated his antlers, they were charcoal black, and big too, and all he wanted was for them to go away. They were a constant reminder that he would never be good enough.

It was probably time for Scott's to grow in, he thought.

He settled on his bed, smoothing out the wrinkles on the red blanket. He wondered why he had to be so different from Scott. Scott was the perfect child, what was Xornoth? The reject? The one who was never good enough at anything? The one who everyone was afraid of?

He opened his hand and let heat flow from his fingers. A small flame burst to life and danced in his palm. He didn't let anyone know about his power. If he let anyone know they would be even more scared of him. What would he do? Arson? Well, maybe burning down a few houses could be fun... no. No no no.

Xor liked to think he was a good person, no matter what Exor whispered in his ear.

He extinguished the flame and stood up from the bed, making more wrinkles, he would have to fix that later. He looked back out at the still-open window, sighing.

He had to stop thinking about his problems. 

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