Chapter 20

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  Wizard Gem was sitting with her legs hanging out of her house in the Crystal Cliffs. She liked to be up here because she could feel the cool breeze, she could see her entire kingdom, except for the wizard tower on top of the mountain above her, and no one except her and Gandalf came up to the balcony. She wished that things could always be peaceful like this, but somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew it could never last.

    Just then, a red-tailed hawk came flying towards her with an envelope clutched in its talons. It was flying fast, and because it was carrying a letter, Gem knew something was wrong, and someone needed her help. She rolled her eyes, everyone came to her with their problems. And sure, she was smart and knew a lot of things about magical ailments and illnesses, but she knew that with enough research, anyone could cure almost anything. The hawk landed on the railing next to her. At this point, Gem had stood up and walked over to the hawk. She then proceeded to tear open the letter. It read-     

    Dear Wizard Gem of Crystal Cliffs,

 Prince Scott of Rivendell has had some... interesting things happen this morning. I was wondering if you could come to the Swamp Empire as soon as possible. Please? It is really important!

    Prince Jimmy of The Swamp Empire

She folded the piece of paper and set it on her desk next to her rainbow sheep plushie, a gift from the Overgrown, adjusted the straps on her amethyst elytra, and jumped off her balcony.

   Jimmy hoped that the hawk had flown fast and reached the wizard by now. His question was answered when he saw the red-haired wizard flap her amethyst elytra to slow her descent. He ran towards her, "Wizard Gem! Please come here quickly! I don't know what's wrong with him." He led the wizard into his little house, where Scott was laying on the bed unconscious. 

"Can you tell me what happened?" she asked.

"He woke up with frost covering his hands, he panicked and ice shot out of them and onto the wall, and then he fainted! And even though this was a while ago the ice still hasn't melted!" Jimmy said quickly.

"And he's been out for how long?" Gem inquired.

"I don't know...too long?"

Gem walked over to Scott and felt his hands. Frost was starting to cover them again. "Freezing. Did you make him do something he didn't want to do? Make him panic?" she asked. 

Gem knew that one of these things must have happened because of the sheepish and worried way the cod hybrid looked at her. 

"So, that's why he lost control. I still don't know what made the ice to begin with, but I think it would be best to let him sleep. And don't make him uncomfortable again. This might happen another time if you do," she started to walk towards the door, "I'll research more, and, Jimmy, this is important. If it does happen again, send me a letter."Jimmy nodded and followed the wizard out the door. She smiled sympathetically and flew into the sky.

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