Chapter 12

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When Jimmy woke up Scott was still sleeping. He lay in bed for a while before becoming bored. He carefully and slowly inched his way out of bed, careful not to wake Scott.

A few minutes later, he stepped out into the morning air. He could just barely see the sun coming over the horizon, its glow painting a thin line of pink over the water. He shut the door quietly behind him.

The birds chirped and floated on the breeze above him, softly illuminated by the sun. Jimmy wondered what it would be like to fly, he would have to ask Scott later.

He fell into a deep train of thought, not realizing where he was going, only putting one foot in front of the other. When he brought himself back to reality, he found himself staring up at the Great Wall of Cod. The little codfish pressed against the glass walls to greet him. It made Jimmy smile.

"Hello!" he said, waving. He felt like it was when you talk to your dog and make fake conversation. He fully didn't expect a fish to say something back.


Jimmy whipped around. "What?"

"Hi!" the fish said again, waving their little pectoral fin wildly.

Jimmy noticed that the fish didn't move its lips, it spoke to him without sound.

"Hi," the fish said again, "we need you to listen to us." More fish swam up behind them.

"Child of the deep," one started, "we can feel the world getting colder, but we don't know what it is. You have to be on full guard."

Jimmy backed away. Cold? It was always somewhat warm in the swamp. It never snowed or anything like that.

He had heard from Scott that snow was peaceful, that it fell gracefully and slowly. Could it be that bad?

He turned and ran back to his house, glancing back at all the fish who had resumed swimming around the tank aimlessly.

He rushed inside the door, panting. Then he noticed Scott still sleeping and he tried to quiet his breathing. He hurried and wrote a hasty note to Scott when he woke up, ran down to the docks, and dove into the water. 

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