Chapter 16

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Scott's wings were getting better. They no longer felt sore when he woke up every morning. He was tired of feeling helpless and vulnerable. He had never hurt them when he was younger (which was a miracle, considering that he mostly spent time with Xornoth), and he didn't know what to do with himself if he couldn't fly. He wanted to try.

"Jimmy?" Scott asked while gently shaking the cod boy, who was still mostly asleep.

"Hmm?" the blonde boy replied.

"I want to fly today."

Jimmy sat up fast. "Are you sure? What if you get hurt again?" Then he muttered something to himself. Scott thought it sounded like "what if you never come back?"

Scott threw himself at Jimmy, pulling him into a hug. "I promise I'll be careful." He squeezed Jimmy tighter. "And you'll be there with me, right?"


The sunrise was very pretty, painting the sky with warm orange hues, golden yellows, and blush pinks, and at the very top of the sky, blues, purples, and indigos. Scott spread his wings and outstretched his arms, letting the bright sun rays warm them. He then folded his wings against his back and looked at Jimmy.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jimmy asked.

Scott looked up at the sky. "Yes. I'm tired of being useless."

"You're not useless."

Scott laughed. "Yeah, I am. My wings don't work- didn't work, so I must be."

Jimmy glanced at Scott. "Is that what they tell you in Rivendell? That you must be useless if you're not perfect?"


Jimmy didn't say anything for a minute. Then, "I'm sorry."

Scott looked up at him. "For what? You haven't done anything wrong."

"That you had to experience that."

"Oh." Scott looked at his hands.

They were silent for another moment.

"Well, are you ready?" the cod boy asked. He was clearly worried that Scott would somehow get hurt, even though he had promised to stay low to the ground.

"Yes," the Scott said. He exhaled and closed his eyes. He unfurled his big, white owl wings, and flapped them just hard enough to get off the ground.

He felt his feet leave the grass. He opened one eye, then the other, and grinned. He was doing it! Sure, he was just barely off the ground, but he hadn't been able to fly in a little over a month. His wings had only mended themselves so fast thanks to Jimmy's healing powers. He was thankful for it.

And Jimmy.

He dropped back down to the ground just before Jimmy swept him up in a hug.

Jimmy cheered. "You did it! See? Not useless!"

"Thank you. For everything," Scott smiled. 

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