Chapter 1

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Scott felt the wind rush loudly past his pointed ears. He was so shocked that he couldn't move his wings. He barely even felt terror. He landed in muddy water with a large splash. He briefly saw a person wearing green before everything went black.

Scott opened his eyes and observed the same person from earlier. He had dirty blonde hair, dark brown eyes, and fish fins where his ears should have been. A cod tail was swishing behind him. He was wearing a green shirt and copper-colored shorts.

"Hey! Are you ok?" the blonde boy said. Scott briefly opened his eyes to see where he was. He forgot about his wing until he tried to move it and cried out in pain.

"Hey, hey, it's gonna be ok! I know a way we can fix this." The boy said. He waved his hand over the wings and they started to glow softly. A nice warm feeling soon followed.

"Who are you?" Scott asked quietly.

"Oh! I'm Jimmy, of the Swamp Empire. Who are you?" the boy with the tail responded.

"I am Prince Scott of Rivendell." Scott said, trying to sound regal even though he was laying on the ground, covered in dirt and mud.

"Also, why were you falling out of the sky?" Jimmy inquired, tilting his head to the side.

"I got distracted and had to get home quickly, but in hindsight, I should have flown at a normal pace. Then this wouldn't have happened." Scott explained.

"But at least you're ok now," Jimmy said. 

"Yes, I guess so."

"Do you need help getting home?" Jimmy asked.

"No, I can walk, thank you though." He tested his legs to see if they would support his weight. He stood up and walked away.

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