Chapter 4

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Jimmy left Scott in bed so that he could get some rest. The blonde then went to write the letter to Scott's parents. It read-

Dear King and Queen of Rivendell,

Prince Scott is at the Swamp Empire. He hurt his wing so he cannot get home, as Rivendell is quite far away. I am taking good care of him. Once he is ready to come home I will send another letter. He is safe.

Prince Jimmy, of the Swamp Empire

After sending the letter via red-tailed hawk, Jimmy walked into the bedroom Scott was in. He smiled when he saw the elven boy fast asleep. Jimmy gently moved the lime green blanket on the bed closer to Scott's shoulders and moved the elf's blue hair out of his face. Scott stirred under the covers but stayed asleep. Satisfied that the elf was ok, Jimmy walked out of the room.

The king and queen of Rivendell were nervous, their precious son had been lost and no one could find him. The queen was pacing across the throne room, her purple cloak draped behind and her matching purple high heels clicked on the floor with every step. The king sat on his throne, watching his wife walk back and forth. Only some relief came when a letter was delivered from the Swamp Empire. It told them that Scott was fine, but what if Swamp Prince was lying?

"I trust the Swamp Empire! We have been neutral with each other for years! They are honest and kind people," the king of Rivendell said to his wife.

"But this prince could be lying! I just want my son back home! Why can't we go get him now?" the queen asked, tucking her long periwinkle-colored hair behind her pointed ear.

"Because the swamp is too far, and the mountains surrounding Rivendell are too tall! Nothing is able to get in or out if it can't fly," the king huffed.

"Well, then please write a letter back and tell the Swamp Prince that if anything bad happens to Scott while he is in their care, we will not be happy. Is that reasonable?"

"Yes, dear, I will respond to the letter right away." The king stood up from his throne and strode to his study. 

Oh, I hope Scott is alright, the queen thought while she watched her husband leave the room.

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