Chapter 24

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He led Gem into the house, where Scott was perched on the bed, legs crossed. He looked worried, but he hid it well. Gem could only tell because she herself wore that expression too much.

Jimmy gestured for her to walk farther into the room, and she stepped closer to Scott. "So... what happened?" she asked. 

"Well, there's snow outside, and I think I caused it, and I can do this now." He opened his hand and a few small snowflakes formed above his palm. 

 Gem thought for a moment, while researching, she had learned that the elves of Rivendell were often associated with snow, but none of them had been born with ice powers. Gem didn't know why this was happening to Scott, but whatever it was, it could be beautiful. Or dangerous. Gem just hoped that the elf would use his newfound powers for good. 

 Gem led Scott outside to a nice flat spot behind Jimmy's house. "So, I need you to make something, anything. Just make it small," the wizard said. S

cott nodded and closed his eyes. He had created small flurries, -which he could control- and he had made it winter, -which he couldn't control. Scott decided to make something in the middle, a small igloo, only big enough for one person to crawl inside. He felt the power rush from the palm of his hand. 

He smiled slightly, opened his eyes, and Gem congratulated him, "Nice! Now can you make it go away?"

Scott's smile turned into a frown, "Make it go away? How?"

"Just try! Think about warm things, like summer, or hot chocolate." Scott concentrated, he tried to make it go away, but he just didn't know how. 

"I can't Gem!"

"Just try!"

"I can't!"

"Try harder!"

"Gem, enough!" A flash of bright light blinded him momentarily, and Scott felt his power shoot out of his hands before he could stop it. He looked around and saw the wizard bending down on her knees. She was clutching her head, and, there was another thing too. Before, the Swamp Empire had been covered in a light skiff of snow. Now, however, there were at least two feet of snow, and spikes made of pure blue ice had erupted from the ground. Scott looked at his own hands as if searching for a sign that he was the one who made all this happen. 

 Jimmy ran at Scott and pulled him into a hug. Scott yanked himself away, "Jimmy, stay away! I don't want to hurt you!" He glanced at Gem who was still kneeling on the snow-covered ground, "Get her to a healer! Keep your citizens safe!" Scott was on the verge of tears now, "Protect everyone from me." He flapped his wings and flew into the sky. 

"Scott!" Jimmy yelled, and if he said something else, it was drowned out by the wind rushing past Scott's ears and the elf's quiet sobs.

Bloom, a Flower Husbands Story Empires S1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz