"So you don't drink or smoke?"

"No, my parents would kill me"

"Let's find somewhere quiet to talk." Perrie glanced at her best friends who looked away as if they were oblivious to the situation.

She took her hand going upstairs.

"Whose bedroom is this?" Perrie asked when she closed the door.


"This is your room? Your party?"

"My little brother's"

"Oh, that's fun. Do you like to party?"

"No, but I knew you'd be here."

"You know me?" Perrie had never seen the girl before.

"Yeah we go to school together. I'm in your Chemistry and Geometry class."

"No you're not"

"I am. We had a sub and they said Mr.Hasan wasn't coming back and passed us all for our midterm"

"You are in my class."

"I am."

"You know, You're really pretty Perrie."

"Stop it"

"You are"

"Thank you, you are too. I know those two goofballs put you up to this."

"They didn't put me up to this" she held Perrie's face kissing her. Perrie stood there awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, I should've asked."

"No, it's okay. I just. . . I never really did this with anyone."

"Kiss someone? You're cute."


Perrie leaned in to kiss her again when she heard a giggle. She opened the door and as expected her best friends were standing there. They pushed themselves into the room, Jaden sat in her desk chair with a solo red cup in hand.

"No homo" Jesse said before sitting in his lap.

"Shut up, Show her a good time." Jaden slurred

"Yeah her parents are. . . Riding her. No, that sounds wrong but you know what i mean. Don't get me wrong, I love them but they stay breathing down her neck. She can't date, or go out or anything. They still-"

"Jess, that's enough" Perrie laughed awkwardly. She was feeling a little uncomfortable. 

"Guys get out"  Perrie pointed to the door.

"They can stay, why don't we give them a show." The girl laid Perrie down straddling her. Things were okay, now. Jaden and Jesse watched Perrie make out with her 'crush'. They got excited when she pulled Perrie's shirt off. Them being here wasn't a problem for Perrie. The three were platonic. . . For the most part and they have seen each other naked so It wasn't a big deal.


"Shhh, just relax."

Perrie doesn't know why but she began to panic. Something didn't feel right.

"Are you okay?, do you want me to stop?" she took off her own shirt when perrie shook her head. Before leaning down to kiss perrie again. Perrie kissed her back. As long as this was all they did she was okay with it. But when the girl's hands went lower than her stomach she had to stop it.

"Stop. . . Stop please" She said quietly, not wanting her friends to hear. If they did they would tease her, or so she thought.  The girl stopped right away asking if she was okay.

"Get off her. Get off" Jaden shot up seemingly sober all of a sudden.

Jesse helped Perrie, sitting her up and handing her her Shirt. Perrie held it to her chest. She began to breathe rapidly.

"Are you okay? Listen, I'm sorry if I pressured you. I really do like you perrie. I had a few drinks. That's no excuse at all, I didn't know you weren't okay with it, I asked if it was okay, didn't I? Fuck. I'm so sorry." The girl began to panic. 

"Its fine. You asked me. I said . . . I Said yes. I'm just not. . . Ready. Sorry."

"As long as you're okay. Do you feel like I. . .you know, violated you in any way?" Perrie shook her head trying to catch her breath. She was starting to feel like she couldn't breathe.

"No. . . You didn't. It's me. . . Not you"

"Why are you talking like that?" Jesse asked leaning in Perries face. He was a little lit but knew something was wrong.

"My mom. . ."

"I'll call her. Calm down. Can you go get her some water please?" Jaden asked the girl

She nodded and rushed out of the room.

"Heyyy Momma"

"Why are you calling me at 2 in the morning, boy" Leigh-Anne spoke quietly. Jaden was starting to have second thoughts. 

"Listen um. You're gonna be pissed and Andre will be too but I need help."

"Need help with what? Did something happen?" Leigh-Anne sat up in her bed.

"Yeah, I think Perrie is having a panic attack."

"I'm on my way" She got up pulling a hoodie over her head. Andre followed her.

"We're not at my house"

"Where are you?"

"I'm going to drop my location"

Leigh-Anne handed her husband her phone telling him to find directions to the location Jaden sent.

Jesse met them by the door.

"Where is she?"

"Upstairs, she hasn't got a top on."

Leigh-Anne nodded and Andre went upstairs with her but waited outside.

"Baby. Whats wrong"

"Sorry. . . .Sorry mommy" Perrie began to cry fearing that she would get in trouble.

"What happened?"

"Hello, Jaden? Jesse?" She pulled her daughter's shirt over her head. Perrie visibly relaxed having her mother here.

"We uh. . . We came to the party."

"And got lit"

"You were drinking?" Leigh-Anne held Perrie's chin, making her look at her.

Perrie shook her head.

"Then what's wrong? Did someone take advantage of you" Leigh-Anne asked, since she didn't have her shirt on.


Leigh-Anne was starting to get upset with Perrie since she wouldn't say anything. She pulled her up leaving out of the room either her.

"Lets go boys" the two followed the woman to their car where they squeezed in the back.

"I almost had sex"

Andre break checked, sending everyone lurching forward.

"Woah! Calm down, daddy" Jesse slurred. Jaden began to laugh but Andre didn't find it funny.

"You what!?"

"I'm sorry"

"Wait, with one of these bozos?" He asked.

"Ew, no"

"Listen don't ew us. We're sexy, you're ew"

"Shut up" perrie smiled.

"No you shut up"

"All of you shut up! Babe drive please" Leigh-Anne shook her head. Why couldn't they just keep their asses home.

Once they got home they were sent to bed.

"Go to bed. You Two go shower. You reek. Go" The two nodded going into Perries bedroom to shower.

"We will talk about this in the morning"

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