Chapter 14: Won't let go.

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Beta read by Shigiya and Darklord331





Rin was experiencing a terrible day.

Having not slept yesterday and the day before that was taking a toll on her mental health. Just the thought of having an Enforcer prowling Fuyuki was nerve-wracking in itself along with the existence of monsters roaming the streets and killing people… she just couldn't find herself relaxing at all!

'That fake priest told me that he would handle everything but I just don't feel comfortable with that…' At first, Rin planned to speak with the enforcer and extend an open hand so that they may help each other to weed out the monsters throughout Fuyuki. Unfortunately, when Kirei heard her proposal…

'Oh my, now how can a young and inexperienced Magus like you possibly help an Enforcer of all things? Just leave such tasks to the adults and focus on your research, after all, you wouldn't want to tamper with any progress you've made for such silly reasons.' He said it with so much mirth and a twisted sense of mockery that she sensed it from a mile away!

"Bah! Who does that idiot think he is by calling my plans pointless and that wouldn't serve any purpose!?"

Just as he said she fired a Gandr to his face and if only he hadn't moved his head at the last second, it would have hit!

"Arrrgh! He's so freaking annoying!"

On top of that, she was once again forced to slow down any research on her magecraft due to financial troubles she was having lately. Most of the budget was spent on a new batch of jewels she managed to buy at a discount from her vendor. 'Tch, apparently that blonde bitch bought all of the high quality ones the moment they came out!'

From what she understood, the new batch of rubies and emerald should have cost at least two hundred million dollars… and Luvia nearly emptied the entire stock in less than a day! "If I hadn't made a reservation, then there is no way I could have gotten my current batch without going to another seller and being forced to spend nearly twice the amount."

She was sure of it, that Edelfelt heiress was purposefully aiming at her with these strangely timed purchases. Every time she was in need of more gems, Luvia always appeared one way or another before starting to show off her wealth.

"I'll show her when I get to London in a few years, I'll smack her face into the concrete until her face is forever engraved onto the ground!"

All in all, this week wasn't the best for her and she wished to focus on something else that didn't make her desire to destroy everything grow.

As for why she came to Miyama, just to check out some of the local shops. If there was one place that blonde wouldn't be able to access so easily. But if she did, then Rin swore to book a ticket to Finland and fly over there to sucker punch her long time nemesis.

"Hm?" Unconsciously, she ended up walking inside the burned park. The place still was as dead and desolated as before, the source of the fire all those years ago still showing the effects it had on the environment around her. Not a single trace of life or greenery anywhere. "The fourth Holy Grail War…"

From what she understood, the surroundings became like this due to the effects of either a spell used by the Caster of the war or a conflict between multiple Servants whose clash changed the very nature of this area for years to come. At least the city tried to rebuild the park, but without anything growing out here it barely made a difference and people still stayed away due to rumors about a bad omen.

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