Chapter 5: Last day

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Beta read by Shigiya




Room #2-


Shirou woke up to see the sun rays shining in through the windows of the suite. 

The sun had just risen as it was still a bit dark outside. The sound of the waves crashing and the distant sound of the room's AC running for the entire night were all heard by him as he slowly opened his eyelids. He wasn't used to such noise. He would normally wake to the sound of birds chirping and Sakura's calling out for him. With the smell of grilled fish or aromatics as she would cook for him nearly every day. Now, there was none of that, and he had already begun missing it.

"Hm. I’m really not good in the mornings,” he said while rubbing his eyes. 

Many would mistake him for being an early bird with how regularly he would wake up sometimes. But Shirou didn't do so because he liked the early mornings. Quite the opposite, in fact, the redhead just followed a strict schedule he followed through nearly every day.

He got up, trying not to be defeated by the morning chill, and quickly folded up the blanket which he used while sleeping on the sofa.

Why was he sleeping on the sofa?

"Muu… Shirou… another bowl, please…." 

Yeah, Taiga was sleeping on the main and only bed in the room after returning late at night drunk. Though she initially invited him to sleep next to her like they used to in the past, Shirou immediately rejected that offer. He wasn't a kid anymore, mostly, so he couldn't just sleep around a grown woman so easily. Despite her personality, Taiga was still a beautiful woman, and Shirou was a growing boy whose body could react outside his control, not that the boy thought it would happen in the first place, but he wasn't willing to take the risk.

'Better safe than sorry as they say.'

It was five-thirty in the morning. 

The only people awake at this hour would probably be the staff and the cooks. Literally, everyone would be asleep at this point.

One of his many strengths was to wake up at this time, no matter how late he went to sleep. Shirou did sometimes make mistakes and ended up waking up late like his previous morning in Fuyuki. Thankfully, Sakura was there to save the day as usual. 

Why not use an alarm clock some would ask?

Never, he hated them with every fibre of his being! He'd rather be caught naked by his neighbours than have one of those abominations of machinery set up in his room. Shirou was very strict on the usage of magecraft in certain places. Using it in the living room rather than in the shed was a big 'no no' for him. But he had on many occasions projected a knife or anything with mass to hurl it as the ringing sound of hell to shut it up.

Even Taiga did not expect him to act so hostile to such a mundane item.

But any other sort of alarm outside the use for waking up from bed was alright with him, especially when it came to cooking as he used a timer for the kitchen.

"It sure was fun these last few days."

Along with learning more about combat skills and some general knowledge about magecraft with the Edelfelt family heir, Shirou also spent an equal amount of time enjoying a week-long vacation on the cruise. Taiga loved swimming. She never wasted any time jumping in the pool at the earliest time possible and tried several times to drag Shirou with her. Though the activity did make her very hungry in the end so they would eat at a different place every day. 

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