Chapter 11: First meeting

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Beta read by Shigiya and Darklord331




--Matou Mansion-

Not much was known about the Matous, to begin with, his father had dozens of notes about many people in Fuyuki, especially the Tohsakas and Einzberns — despite the latter being on the same side.

The Moonlit world was a cruel place, where allies were scarce resources and trust a luxury that not even the most powerful could afford. As an assassin, having faith in others was almost nonexistent, Kiritsugu having less than a handful of people he truly called friends or colleagues in some cases. An asset far more valuable than a mountain of gold, a commodity that very few in the Clockwork ever had the opportunity to experience. Those foolish enough to believe in such a concept with strangers they met were bound to die early or become tools to be used and thrown away when broken.

That was why the person known as the Magus Killer never skipped his research on both foes and 'allies' alike. Yet despite all of this, there was little mention of the Matou at any point aside from the Master of Berserker being one but having died soon in the war. They were the founding family, having taken part in the creation of the Holy Grail and basically being partially responsible for the destruction and death that came with every war.

Nevertheless, there was little mention of anything aside from these few pieces of information. Nothing about their magecraft other than theories and speculations formed from past history. Zouken was an honest enigma that very few wanted to garner his attention when trying to study him. No one wanted to awaken the sleeping dragon from its slumber and incur the beast's wrath. Even the family's decline, just like the Tohsakas, was not an excuse to deny their powerful presence in Japan.

The head of the family never made any moves during the war, preventing his father from accumulating any possible traces about the magecraft used by the man himself. Something he could find a counter for and bypass if ever a conflict were to arise.

Shirou himself was quite curious, Sakura was the heir or it could have been Shinji. Though given his attitude, Shirou doubted Zouken would ever grant the title of heir to him with Sakura around.

'This… this isn't right.'

For the first time, Shirou wanted to deny the possible clue he got about their magecraft. Something so vile, so… disgusting, and horrendous to the point of making bile rise to his throat. Gritting his teeth, remember his father's training to always keep a calm composure no matter what situation was the best outcome. Losing control and being led blindly by emotions only made a bigger disaster for everyone involved.

Sakura, the one girl he treated normally despite her background. One of his first friends, a girl that stayed silent when alone, barely made any friends, and never talked to anyone when he wasn't around. This girl had what looked like a worm in her heart, feeding off of her Magical Energy from the little he understood.

"Oh, I never thought you would come here, Emiya's successor," Zouken spoke, bringing Shirou's attention to the old man whose smile looked more like a crooked grin that mocked him.

"You knew my father?" Shirou asked, his voice calm like the sea, yet holding back a great deal of anger, confusion and fear. Not for his life or the man's presence, but for Sakura who stood by the side frozen like a statue.

"Hehehe!" His laugh sounded like wet gravel, repulsive to his eyes. "You can say that, I was what you call… a fan of his work. It's a tragedy he left this world at such an early age, the man still had so much to offer."

Deep breaths, that was what he was constantly thinking to himself.

"..." He decided it would be best to stay silent.

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