jimin turn

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After greeting each other, Jungkook and Yoongi dragged their so-called husbands to their respective classrooms, where other students were also waiting with their parents/husbands for their turn. Many of them were scared, while others seemed indifferent, saying, "I don't care, bruh."

But Taemin was scared, yet they didn't do anything due to their self-respect. How could they cry in front of everyone?

Jungkook: Taehyung, kindly don't create any drama here.
Taehyung nodded his head.

Taemin sat, holding each other's hand, while Yoongi and Jungkook sat and used their mobile phones a bit.

Suddenly, a teacher approached.

Teacher: Min Jimin, it's your turn.

Yoongi listened and stood up, but both of them looked down at Jimin, urging him to stand up, but he didn't.

Yoongi whispered, "Park Jimin, stand up. We don't have much time."

Jimin looked at Yoongi with a pissed-off face and stood up, while Taehyung gave him a pitying look.

Yoongi held Jimin as they ran away.

They both reached the door where Jimin's biggest fear awaited.

*Knock, knock*

???: Come in!

Yoongi: Hey, Mr. Shin!

Mr. Shin: Well, well, well, if it isn't my old buddy! Long time no see. How's life treating you? Oh, and look at this cute little bundle you've got with you!

Jimin blushed furiously, avoiding eye contact.

Yoongi chuckled, "Haha, yes, a baby bundle of joy and a complete brat!"

Mr. Shin turned his attention to Jimin, playfully asking, "So, Jimin, how are you holding up?"

Jimin, feigning a grown-up voice, replied, "I'm perfectly fine, Dr. Shin, thank you."

Yoongi and Jimin took their seats, facing the doctor, who began his usual chit-chat.

Doctor: Alright, Jimin, take a deep breath for me. Let's listen to that lovely heartbeat of yours! (He wore his stethoscope, pretending to be a rockstar doctor.)

After a series of tests, the doctor gave his verdict, "Fantastic, Jimin! You're in tip-top shape. Just one itty-bitty injection, and you'll be good as new!"

Jimin couldn't resist whining, "But you said I'm perfectly fine! Why the injection, then?"

Doctor: Oh, Jimin, it's just a precautionary measure against the flu. No need to fret; it won't hurt a bit!

Jimin persisted, "But I swear it hurts!"

Doctor: Aww, don't be such a drama king! I'll give you chocolate as a reward!

Turning to Yoongi, the doctor ordered, "Hold him tight and distract him with your epic dance moves while I administer the injection!"

Jimin protested with all their might, "Nooo!"

Yoongi, attempting to calm the situation, pleaded, "Come on, Jimin, it's just a teensy-weensy injection, my little drama queen."

But Jimin's fear

got the better of them, and they burst into tears at the mere sight of the syringe. The doctor, undeterred, seized the opportunity to swiftly administer the injection.

Doctor: See? It didn't hurt at all!

Jimin, sniffling and sobbing, retorted, "Well, it still kinda does!"

The doctor, feeling a pang of sympathy, quickly handed Jimin a chocolate bar, exclaiming, "Aww, here, take this as a consolation prize!"

Yoongi, with a sigh of relief, asked the doctor, "Is everything alright, Dr. Shin?"

Doctor: Absolutely! I gave Jimin their flu shot, so they'll be protected. Oh, and please don't let them indulge in too much junk food...

Yoongi nodded earnestly, replying, "Sure thing, doc! No more junk food for our little drama king!"

I apologize for the lengthy response. Let's keep it short and snappy!

Hold on tight, folks! This story may be short, but it packs a punch! Stay tuned for the next part, coming soon! Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow along. It's gonna be an entertaining joyride that'll leave you feeling oh-so-good! Stay tuned, my friends!

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