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The doorbell rang incessantly, a persistent melody that echoed through the quiet house. A few minutes later, an old man shuffled towards the entrance, his face twisted into an irritated frown. Wrinkles creased his forehead as he swung open the door, revealing his only grandson, Taehyung, stumbling in with bleary eyes and disheveled attire, remnants of a late-night party.

"KIM TAEHYUNG!!! ARE YOU PARTYING ALL NIGHT AGAIN?" the old man bellowed, his voice a mixture of frustration and concern.

"Chill, Grandpa. It was just a small party," Taehyung mumbled, stifling a yawn as he brushed past his grandfather.

"Small party my foot! You've done this for the fourth time this week! And did you drink again?" the old man exclaimed, his shock evident in the furrowed lines of his brow.

"Yeah, I had a few drinks. So what?" Taehyung retorted defiantly, his tone laced with rebellion.

"What do you mean, 'so what'? You're underage, Tae! You shouldn't be drinking at all!" the old man scolded, his anger bubbling to the surface.

"Oh, come on, Grandpa. It's not like I'm getting drunk or anything. I can handle it," Taehyung smirked, his defiance unyielding.

"You may think you can handle it, but you're only fooling yourself, Tae. Drinking and partying all night won't get you anywhere in life," the old man sighed, disappointment etched in his weary voice.

"Whatever, Grandpa. You sound like a broken record. Can't you just lay off for once?" Taehyung sighed, rolling his eyes in exasperation.

"I can't lay off, Tae. You're my only family, and I'm worried sick about you. You need to start taking responsibility for yourself and your actions," the old man replied, his concern palpable.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. You're always worried about me. But I'm not a kid anymore, Grandpa. I can make my own decisions," Taehyung insisted stubbornly.

"I know you're not a kid anymore, Tae. But I wonder if you're even acting like an adult. You need to start thinking about your future and what kind of person you'll be," the old man countered, his words carrying a wisdom born of experience.

"I am thinking about my future, Grandpa. And right now, I just want to have some fun. Is that too much to ask?" Taehyung defended, his tone defensive.

"No, it's not too much to ask, Tae. But you need to find a balance between having fun and being responsible. You can't keep living like this," the old man urged, his voice firm but gentle.

"Okay, okay. I get it, Grandpa. I'll try to be more responsible. Happy now?" Taehyung replied sarcastically, his demeanor softened slightly by his grandfather's words.

"I'm not happy, Tae. But I'm relieved that you're willing to try. Now, go get some sleep. You look like a walking zombie," the old man chuckled, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"Yeah, yeah. Goodnight, Grandpa," Taehyung muttered, stifling another yawn as he trudged off to his room.

As Taehyung disappeared down the hallway, the old man sighed heavily, his heart heavy with worry for his grandson's future. He knew that guiding Taehyung down the right path would be a difficult task, but he was determined to do whatever it took to ensure that his only family member found his way in life.


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