I'm sorry mr.

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Tae's POV

"How dare you shout in front of me, you little kid!" JK's voice boomed through the room, his eyes ablaze with anger.

I could feel the sting of his slap radiating through my cheek. My eyes watered, but my ego kept the tears at bay. "Who gave you the audacity to slap me, huh?!"

"Well, your grandpa did!" JK smirked, a dangerous glint in his eye. "I hope he already gave you a lecture on why you're about to experience some pain."

"What the hell? I don't believe a word you say, you jerk!" I spat back, my voice shaking slightly.

JK's glare intensified. "Disrespect me one more time, and you'll meet the real me."

Despite the fear creeping in, I tried to sound confident. "Oh, what are you going to do, huh, old man?"

"Oh, I'll spank you bare, my friend," JK replied, his voice eerily calm.

"Oh, please! Do you think I'm five years old?" I scoffed.

"Well, no, but you're definitely not an elder either," JK retorted.

I felt my irritation rising. "Oh, just do whatever you want, old man. It's my life, and I'll do as I please. Screw you!"

And that's when JK lost his temper. In one swift movement, he made me bend over his lap. Before I could react, a loud slap landed on my clothed bottom.

"What the heck?!" I shouted, my voice a mix of anger and disbelief.

"Stay still, my friend! If you keep squirming, I'll double your punishment. And just so you know, my punishment rules are simple: no moving and definitely no hands trying to save your behind!" JK's voice was stern, leaving no room for argument.

"Wha-" I started, but before I could finish, JK yanked my pants down to my thighs.

The spanking began, each slap echoing through the room. The pain was sharp and immediate, and tears welled up in my eyes. It was the first time in my 18-year-old life that someone had dared to punish me like this, and especially with such fervor.

"Ahh, please, have mercy!" I cried out, the sting of each slap pushing me closer to tears.

JK didn't relent, his hand coming down over and over again, the spanking seeming endless. My sobs turned dramatic, the reality of the situation sinking in deeper with each passing second.

Spank after spank landed, my resolve crumbling with each one. My cries grew louder, the pain overwhelming.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the spanking stopped. My bottom burned, and my pride was in tatters. Tears streamed down my face, the sobs wracking my body.

JK's voice was firm but not unkind.

"Remember this, Taehyung. You're under my roof now, and you'll follow my rules. Disrespect won't be tolerated."

I nodded weakly, the fight drained out of me. This month was going to be a long, painful lesson in humility.



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