you lied

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The hospital room was suffused with an atmosphere heavy with sorrow and impending loss. Tae, his heart shattered into a million pieces, clung desperately to his grandpa, Mr. Kim, who lay in the sterile hospital bed, his once vibrant spirit now dimming under the weight of illness. The beeping monitors punctuated the silence, marking each precious moment slipping away.

Tae's tear-streaked face betrayed his disbelief and anguish as he held onto Mr. Kim, unwilling to accept the reality unfolding before him.


"No, it's not true! You promised me, Grandpa, that you'd never leave me alone!" His voice cracked with raw emotion, pleading with his beloved grandfather, whose gentle smile masked the pain he bore.

**Mr. Kim:**

"But when did I say I'm leaving you, hmm?" Mr. Kim's voice was strained yet filled with an undeniable warmth, his eyes conveying a lifetime of love and wisdom.


"But-" Tae's protest was cut short as Mr. Kim opened his arms, inviting Tae into a tender embrace. Without hesitation, Tae buried his face in his grandpa's chest, his sobs echoing in the otherwise quiet room.


"No, you're fine. Nothing is going to happen to you. You're fine..." Tae's words were desperate, his hope clinging to the thread of denial.

**Mr. Kim:**

*Stroking Tae's hair gently,* "I'm here, Tae. I'm always with you, no matter what."

Across the room, JK stood silently, his heart heavy with the weight of impending loss. Mr. Kim beckoned him over with a frail gesture, his eyes filled with an urgent plea.

**Mr. Kim:**

"Son, Jungkook, come here." His voice trembled, the gravity of his words hanging heavily in the air.


Approaching cautiously, JK felt a lump form in his throat as he witnessed the devastating scene unfolding before him.

**Mr. Kim:**

"Please take care of Tae after me. He is so pure for this world..." Mr. Kim's words were a poignant plea, a final request laden with love and concern.


Speechless, JK struggled to find the words, his heart breaking for Tae and the grandfather he had come to cherish.


"No, you're not going to leave me!" Tae's voice rose with desperation, his grip on Mr. Kim tightening as if to defy the inevitable.

**Mr. Kim:**

*Caressing Tae's head,* "I'm here, Tae. Don't worry. I'm always with you."


*Resting his head on his grandpa's chest,* seeking solace in the familiar heartbeat that had always been a source of comfort.

**Mr. Kim:**

*Looking at JK,* his gaze filled with an unspoken plea that spoke volumes of his hopes for Tae's future.

**Mr. Kim:**

"Son, Jungkook, please marry Tae. He needs someone to take care of him after me..." Mr. Kim's voice was barely above a whisper, yet each word carried the weight of a lifetime of love and sacrifice.


*Bewildered and overcome with emotion,* "But Mr. Kim, I-"

**Mr. Kim:**

*Coughing fits interrupted,* the sound cutting through the emotional haze and signaling the urgency of the moment.


*Urgently,* "Mr. Kim, are you okay? Doctor, doctor!"


"Grandpa, are you okay? Please, you have to be fine..."


Rushing in, the medical team worked swiftly, their urgent movements a stark contrast to the stillness that had enveloped the room moments before.


"Grandpa, please don't leave me! I can't live without you!"

**Mr. Kim:**

*Struggling to speak,* "Tae, my grandson... Promise me... Stay with JK... Marry him... Be a good boy..."


*Sobbing,* "Please, Grandpa, don't leave me alone. I'll do whatever you say, but please don't leave me alone..."

**Mr. Kim:**

*Turning to JK,* "JK, take care of my son. I have no more time..."


*Overwhelmed with emotion,* "I promise, Mr. Kim, I promise..."

**Mr. Kim:**

*With a serene smile,* "Now I can go peacefully..."


*Clutching onto his grandpa's clothes,* "But you lied to me... You said you'd never leave me..."

The room fell into a heavy silence, the beeping monitors the only sound breaking the stillness. Tae's heartrending cries echoed in the stark hospital room, a testament to the bond between a grandson and his beloved grandpa, now slipping away.

**Mr. Kim:**

"I'm always with you, my grandson. I'm watching over you, just like your parents from the sky. I'll never leave your side, baby..."


*Through tears,* "Grandpa, I love you so much..."

**Mr. Kim:**

"I love you too, Tae. Be a good boy..."

The beeping sound of the heart monitor filled the room, a poignant reminder of Mr. Kim's fading presence and the imminent loss weighing heavily on everyone present.


*Clings to his grandpa's clothes,* "But you lied to me... You said you'd never leave me..."


I know I know it's been a week and I didn't upload well me sorry 🙃

And and and what I say today that this shit reach 3k fucking 3k jeaus kill me

I'm so happpppppy hehhehe and ....

As always ignore the grammar mistake

I'll upload next part soon

Don't forget to vote comment and follow me and and and and SARANGHE 💜

You are Scary  ( ft. taekook)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن