Dust x Nightmare x Cross (part 1)

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It was a well known fact in the castle that Dust and Cross had been dating for a while, after hearing what happened between the boss and Killer, they decided that they wanted in on the action.

Dust and Cross had less than an hour to build up the courage to talk to Nightmare, "uh, hey, boss" Dust called, "hm, what do you want now." Nightmare sighed. Cross cuts in hurriedly "Well uh we wanted to know if you wanted to have movie night with us. Tonight. If it's not to much trouble." Nightmare seemed pleasantly surprised by this which makes sense considering he figured something was on fire again. But Nightmare had been feeling pretty burnt out lately, and perhaps this would be a good opportunity to tell Dust and Cross how he felt about them. "Yes, I, will be in attendance. Now please, I am quite busy at the moment." The two skeletons left Nightmare's office. Dust was in charge of the atmosphere, he made sure there were enough pillows, blankets, and snacks for everybody. Of course he would say that it's a total coincidence that this is the case however. Cross picked the most boring movies he could find so he wouldn't get distracted by it. Finally everything was in order. They all settled in Cross's room, he put the movie on. Nightmare was sitting in between the two of them, and he was surprised by how close they were. Legs touching on both sides, then, under the blankets, Cross put his hand on Nightmare's. Night felt his face get a little warmer, in an attempt to keep his composure he turned to the opposite direction, which backfired completely when he saw the way Dust looked at him, eyelights larger, brighter than he's ever seen before. Then he turned around to see that Cross's were comprible. You could cut the tension in the room with a dull butter knife. All want to say something, but none want to be first to do so. Shockingly it was Dust who spoke first, "Boss I, sorry, we, have something to say that we've wanted to tell you for, well for a while" "we think youre hot" cross pipes in "wait no that's not-" Nightmare cuts him off chuckling slightly "oh, so you don't think I'm hot then" Nightmare teased "no nono, that's not what I meant at all, I just." Cross takes a breath "We've been doing some thinking, and well we want to take our relationship, with not only you, but all of us to the next level." Nightmare pauses for a moment, Dust is blushing out of embarrassment, and Cross's eyes dart around the room."You know, I really like that idea" Nightmare says after what feels like forever. The room grows still, until amost thirty minutes later. Nightmare could sense lust radiating from both Dust and Cross, he also knew none of them were brave enough to actually do anything, so he'd have to start. Nightmare put his hand on Cross's thigh, and slowly his hands made it to his shorts. Cross, flustered, whispers "what are you doing," "what does it look like I'm doing. Hope you're good at staying quiet" Nightmare then put his hand under Cross's boxers and teased the tip of his cock, a muffled sound coming from Cross, Then began to stroke up and down. Nightmare moved his hands ever so slowly, it was almost mean. Cross wanted to scream, beg for more, but he knew the moment he tried to talk, moans would spill out of him. Nightmare picked up the pace, a small sound escaping from Cross, Dust looked over for a moment that felt like an eternity, but his eyes gravitated back to the TV. Cross knew he couldn't afford another slip up, so he bit down on his hand. Nightmare felt the precum, he gave a few more pumps, then stopped. Cross caught his breath, then whispered "why'd you stop" Nightmare smiled "We both know you wouldn't be able to keep your mouth shut for that" Cross responds "and?"

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