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"Girl that's so fucking pretty. You are aware it's gonna become see through in the ocean right?" Hera laughed.

"I know. But its too pretty." I smiled.

"You better go meet him, he just pulled the car to the front, everyone waiting to say goodbye to you

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"You better go meet him, he just pulled the car to the front, everyone waiting to say goodbye to you." Aphrodite fixed my hair.

I nodded, walking out with them, everyone cheering and clapping.

I said some goodbyes to Persephone, Soteria, and Hades.

"You're beautiful. I only know your life gets better from here. Embrace it." He told me.

I smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled and he squeezed my hands before letting me go and holding onto Persephone who was dabbing her under eyes with a tissue.

Thanatos stepped out, far more tall than the car, came around and opened the door for me.

"Thank you." I whispered and he just nodded as he shut the door for me.

He got in on the other side.

Everyone screamed after us as he drove away.

When we left he looked over, making sure I had been buckled, his hand immediately going to my thigh.

"That's a beautiful dress." He said.

I smiled.

"Thank you. I love it."

"I'm glad." He murmured.

"Are you alright, you were very... emotionally stiff." I observed.

He smiled softly.

His body was beautiful against the moonlight.

I was convinced it was a different version of earth here. More intense stars and the moon is brighter. Just without human and with souls and gods.

"I always am." He answered.

"Amara, sweet girl, I've been here since the beginning of time. Death has been around as long as life, I am molded to comfort death. You're life, you bring out the part of me that appreciates the beauty in life. Other than you, I care for nothing. Today was your day. As long as you were my wife by the end of it, I didn't give a fuck about anything else." He told me.

"Oh." I whispered.

His hand clutched my thigh, moving it closer to him slightly.

I sat there quietly.

We got to the beach and I just was in awe.

With every wave, it lit up blue with bioluminescent algae.

"That's so beautiful." I whispered as he parked.

He came around, opening my door for me, helping me out.

The Beauty Of Death (COMPLETE)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant