Vampire- King von

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There was no question that the supernatural existed in Oblock

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There was no question that the supernatural existed in Oblock. People would die, bodies drop like flies in this part of Chicago. Some people just disappear, and there were deeper wounds then guns. People would go missing and then they would be found- on the ground lifeless, drained of their blood. And most gangs would never be seen in daylight.

You had never believed in anything that wasn't scientifically proven, other than God of course. You had heard the legends- people moving faster than light, people with blood red eyes, people with fangs. You would laugh at them or simply roll your eyes. The only demons you believed in were the ones in the Bible. And nothing scared you but God. You had never been scared of the dark, horror movies or anything of the sort. It all was honestly amusing to you so you were obessessed with anything that mentioned the supernatural.

You knew the twilight movies word for word, Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Charmed, Supernatural, Teen Witch, Grim- all of it stored in your brain. You adored all of the creativity, but never thought of any of it as reality. It was interesting to watch, but dumb to believe in. So many different versions of every single creature it was hard to believe any of it was real.

And just like any other day, you walked down the dark street home from work, without fear in your mind. Every twig that snapped you didn't even glance at. There was no point, you didn't even fear death. No one came out at night, and if so they were ina vehicle. You didn't own one, you were too busy providing money for your family.

You shiver, the wind blowing harder than normal. You take your hair down, letting your long curls fall to your shoulders hoping it would keep your neck warm. But you feel something pass by quickly, making your hair blow into your face. It was as if a car passed by you, but you never heard one or saw it. It's 3 am, no cars touch this road until 4. You brush it off, giggling at the thought of the supernatural.

Imagine that was Edward, you think and shake your head with a small smile. You pull out your phone and text your best friend you made it home, knowing damn well you didn't. You always do this, so she can sleep without worrying about you which she did a lot. She believed in the whole vampire bullshit. Ain't no damn such thing, you would say if anyone asked you.

But the wind passes again, and you now begin to pick up the pace of your walk. Apartments get closer and you see that your crib is near, and you sigh. Your house ain't no home. If you believed in the supernatural then your father is invisible man and your mother is the wicked witch of the west. But you don't, they're just human. Unfortunately.

You hear a howl and look behind you, confused. Somebody is playing some sick joke on you. There ain't even wolves in this side of Chi- or so you thought. Your speed walking soon becomes a run as the howls get closer. And then a growl is heard, a loud, terrifying growl. You run as fast as possible but something falls in front of you.

You cover your mouth, trying to hide your scream. A teenage boy, laying there almost blue. You fall to your knees, checking his pulse. There is none. He's dead. Your mind races as you wonder where he could have come from or what could have happened to him. Or what the hell you're supposed to tell the cops. You see two teeth marks on his neck, no blood coming from it.

I've seen this on criminal Minds once, you think to yourself pulling out your phone. You try to calm your heartbeat but it seems almost impossible. You examine the body and notice the length of his fingernails. Something that resembles furr covers his hands and feet.

"What the fuck," you say as you call the cops, but your phone is thrown out of you hand. You look all around me and see nothing. You jump up, and begin to search for your phone but it's nowhere to be found. The strong wind passes by again, and you fall backwards, cutting your elbow on the claw like nail of the dead corpse. You feel the blood down your elbow, and suddenly a figure appears in front of you.

Blinking your eyes, you stand up and back away from them quickly. You look up, seeing a black man with dread- and blood red eyes. You're struck with fear, suddenly not knowing what's going on with your eyes. You must be seeing things. The man opens its mouth and two long teeth show, falling from two sides of its mouth- like a spider. Or a dog.

Or a vampire.

You're unbelief doesn't make you dumb, you still back away, noticing that your house is right behind you. If he is a vampire, he'll be able to get you in a second. But if you walk backwards, maybe he won't realize what you're doing.

But it wouldn't matter, because a growl leaves his mouth and he jolts at you. You scream in fear as he lands on top of you.

This nigga just flew, you think, and tremble. Most people couldn't deny the existence of the supernatural at this point, but you continued to come up with a scientific explanation that made no sense. You just let out a small prayer in your mind praying that whatever is going on, you don't die. Because for the first time in your 19 years of living, you were actually scared of someone. Something.

"Stop, please," you cry as his nails dig into your skin and his deadly breath touches your face. Suddenly, the man is thrown off of you and another figure stands over him. You feel as if you're frozen in fear. You try to stand but your body doesn't move.

"Von," the man that attacked you yells out, falling to his knees, in a bow. The other figure grabs him by his neck, sticking his teeth into it. The head of the man flies off and he kicks it with his feet, looking back at me. This mans eyes were almost the same, yet the shade of red was lighter. He had dreads also, lighter ones mixed into them.

His cold stare sent shivers down your back, and he licked lips at the sight of you. Thirsting for your blood but fighting the urge, he steps closer to you. He notices that the previous member of his coven had placed in a trance. He breaks it, allowing you to back away from him. He licks his lips again at the sight of you. He admired every inch of you with his eyes, hearing your heartbeat with his stronger sense of hearing.

You stare back, unable to move. The fear of death never leaves your mind, and the closer he gets the quicker your heart beats. He kneels in front of you, placing his hand on your elbow. The pain that was once there has suddenly disappeared.

"You tell no one what you saw, none of it," his voice orders. "I know your scent, I'll find you and kill you. And your family."

You nod, not knowing what to say or do. He grabs you by your hands, pulling you up. His hands are freezing cold, making you snatch your hands back quickly.

"Go home," he tells you, pointing to your apartment. You gain strength in your legs and take off running to your house. You walk in and rush upstairs to your room. You see your phone on your bed, and quickly look out the window confused. It's wide open which you never do.

You grab your phone and notice a message from a contact named Von. You quickly press it not understanding what the hell just happened.

Leave the window open
And yo mouth shut

You shiver, replaying the events in your head. It's all real- everything you denied your whole life. It's real. Vampires are real.

Meanwhile, Von watches you from the roof of another house. He wonders why your blood was so strong to him. And why he couldn't kill you. Something wouldn't let him. And if you told anyone, the council would kill you. And Von wasn't about to let that happen.

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