Hinata blushed at his words but she couldn't help the laugh that bubbled in her chest, "Yes, according to Ino I may very well be that evil vampire that whisked you away in the moonlight."

"Such a devious vampire... I was but a fool to be lulled into your dangerous fangs!" Naruto attacked her neck with raspberries making Hinata giggle. A playful war broke out as the two tangled around within each other's arms.

"Yes so unfortunate!" Hinata pushed Naruto away running to the kitchen as the boy followed her.

"Hey- get back here!"

Once in the kitchen, Naruto paused when he saw the cake on the counter.

Hinata whipped around, raising her arms as a grand gesture. "How could we forget about the cake!"

Naruto had a shit-eating grin as he eyed the delicious dessert. It was an orange cake shaped like a fox with cursive black writing, and whiskers.

Happy Birthday Sexy Fox written on top.

Hinata smiled as she eyed the blonde, setting up nineteen candles for him to blow out. "Happy Birthday to you...~" she began to sing with a blush on her cheeks, she felt a bit sheepish to be singing to him but she also felt bad his birthday ended the way it did. After finishing her birthday song Naruto clapped and cheered for her lovey voice. Hinata could only bow for her one and only fan.

"Make a wish, make a wish..." She hurried him along trying to not think of how silly she must have sounded singing.

"Alright alright..." Naruto scooted closer then closed his eyes taking a moment to think before blowing out his candles. "Thanks, Hinata..." Naruto smiled as he began to pick off the candles and eat the icing.

Hinata joined him, picking up a candle as well."...Does... This makeup for the small cupcake I gave you?"

Naruto hummed as he sucked on a candle, "Uh...not quite...It's missing something..." His blue eyes looked toward her with amusement.


He then pointed toward her with a grin, but she was still confused. "Me?"

He then nodded, sporting a handsome grin as he licked his candle suggestively.

Poor Hinata still didn't get the memo. "You want me to feed you?"

"Something like that... Come here." Naruto beckoned her forward, once she was close enough he pulled on her robe, allowing it to come undone. Her skin became hot as he drifted his fingers upon her stomach.

"Can I eat my cake off you?"

Hinata was shocked by his words, "Y-y you want to eat off me? Are you sure?"

Naruto nodded, more excited than ever, "Positive."

"Oh- uh..." Hinata carefully took her robe off and laid it to the side. With Naruto's help, he sat her on the counter. Leaning back he took her body in, taking the time to see how he wanted to do this.

"Can I?" he questioned lifting the cake with one hand.

Hinata nodded her head shyly as he brought the cake down upon her breast. She squeaked at the sudden coldness and mushy feeling. She felt tingly as Naruto smeared the cake around.

Tossing the dish on the counter Naruto stepped back to admire his work. Hinata was feeling slightly embarrassed, she's gotten used to being naked around Naruto but right now she felt dirty... In a good way.

"Where oh where to start..." Naruto leaned his head to the side, looking over her body like a treasure map. "Where do you think I should start?"

Hinata felt her blood surge as his blue eyes traveled to her pale ones. Where to start... If she were being honest...

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