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AN: Triple update. Read the other chapters first

The descent from the Ferris wheel felt like a gentle fall from cloud nine, reality reappearing as we stepped off the ride.

But as we walked hand in hand, August leading the way with his glowing smile, I knew that tonight was one step in the right direction. It was the beginning of the road back home.

We strolled through the fairgrounds, the glow of the carnival lights casting a warm light on our faces.

I glanced at Sterling, his presence by my side feeling like a dream. The tangle of emotions and uncertainties that had haunted me earlier had disappeared, replaced by a sense of hope and determination.

Sapphire Cove was no longer a place of painful memories but an opportunity for healing, growth, and rebuilding what's been broken.

Together, we weaved through the crowds, laughter loud in the evening breeze. As we approached a carousel, August's eyes lit up with excitement. Without hesitation, we joined the line.

As the carousel spun around, I couldn't help but notice the smile on Daisy's face as she rode beside Colt. The years of estrangement and hurt seemed to fade away, replaced by the bonds of friendship. We had come a long way, and there was still a long road ahead, but I felt a renewed sense of unity and love within our little family.

The night grew late, and exhaustion started to catch up with us.

The weariness in August's eyes became clear. His small frame leaned against Sterling, his hands cupping his ears as he tried to shield himself from the noise surrounding us.

Sterling's gaze shifted to his brother, concern on his features.

"I think August is getting overwhelmed," he murmured, his words laced with a mixture of love and urgency.

I glanced down at August, his face scrunched up with discomfort. I could feel unknown instincts kick in, urging me to protect him from any distress.

"Should we leave? Maybe it's best to take August home," I suggested, my eyes searching his for agreement.

Sterling's expression softened, his hand reaching out to brush against my cheek. "I wish we could, but Daisy and I have to stay until the end of the night," he explained.

I nodded, understanding the situation, this was their event after all. We couldn't leave Daisy alone, and I knew how important this event was for both of them.

"I'll call my parents and see if they can come get him," Sterling offered.

However, I couldn't help but feel a surge of determination. "No, it's alright. Colt and I can take him home," I insisted.

Colt chimed in, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Yeah, it's better than waking up my parents at this hour," he added..

Daisy joined in. "You can take my car. It's parked in the volunteer lot, so you'll be able to leave quicker. Skip the line going out," she suggested.

Sterling let out a sigh, his initial resistance giving way to acceptance.

"Alright," he agreed, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Thank you, Dahlia. And thank you, Colt."

With a smile, Sterling gave me one last lingering kiss, his lips tender against mine. His lips felt like they belonged on mine, like they were meant for me and me alone. I pressed against him, wondering how I ever willingly left him.

We only broke the kiss when Colt's pointed cough filled the air, reminding us of our surroundings. Daisy's laughter followed suit, filling the night with a sense of lightheartedness.

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