She came and apologized to me for what happened even though it wasn't her fault! It's not her fault her life is so f*cked up. She's a good person. She just needs good friends around her. People who really care for her. She needs a break, much like the one you got with your new life. She just can't escape her old life as easily as you."

  Nadia's words' baffled me, it wasn't what I had expected. Not one bit. And I didn't know if it was the way Nadia spoke about Ella like she truly the victim of our past. Or the many encounters between Ella and I where she so desperately asked for forgiveness with pureness and honesty in her voice. Or maybe it was just my gut that so desperately wanted to believe everything Nadia just told me about Ella but I did believe it.

  For some strange reason I actually felt it and all my anger and hate towards Ella just turned to sympathy because I, out of all people, knew what it was like to be in the lowest state and so desperately wanting help but not finding anything other than rejection and hatred.

  I didn't want to be so naïve and just be all bloody happy marry towards Ella as I still had small, very small, doubts inside of me. So I decided I would give her a break but not let my guards down around her.

  "I honestly don't know whether what you are saying is true or not. I don't know if I can fully trust Ella after our past or not but if what you are saying is true then I'm going to help her get out of that toxic relationship even if it was the last thing I do."


  Getting ready for the concert was a mission on its own. There was four of us and only one small bathroom to share. Each of us having to wait an agonizing 15 minutes before taking a shower after the last person took theirs to allow the water to heat for a bit.

  After what Nadia and I's conversation, I was a little awkward around Ella but for the most part I was trying to be nice. I even let her use my khojl eyeliner because she liked it so much. Ella noticed my sudden change of heart but didn't comment on it. She just smiled a small smile every time I was nice to her.

  "Girls, the car is here." Mom yelled after answering the intercom. It was the driver Zayn had sent for us to get us to the concert.

  We all ran around doing the last minute check up on our clothes, chose, bags or make-up. Grabbing my phone, I made sure all lights were closed and there was nothing plugged in before I closed the apartment and headed down following the others.

  "This is so exciting. I've never been in a limo before." Ella squeaked mostly talking to Nadia and mom as she was still wary with me but I just gave her a simple smile in response.

  "Zayn surely knows how to make us arrive in style." Nadia gushed.

  "Bless his heart," My mom smiled then a small smirk, I believe, formed on the corner of her lips as she spoke again, "Last time he invited as to come to his concert he asked you to marry him. I can't even imagine how he would top that tonight."

  I chuckled at my mother's sense of humor but my mind surely drifted to that night. It seems too long ago but really it has only been a month and half. I smiled as the memory of that day came back to me. How I went there with only a simple hope of his forgiveness and went home as his fiancée.

  It was a night to remember. A night that I will always engrave in my heart. A night that can't be topped.

  Tonight's concert was in the same arena, funny enough. And it made my heart beat a little too fast when I saw the big gates ahead of us. All the memories running in my mind making me smile like an idiot. This was definitely a happy place for me.

  The car went through the gates ad into a big parking space with many cars and tour buses. A big fence with many bodyguards separating the thin material of the fence that looked so fragile in front of the screaming fans.

  When the car came to a complete stop, Nadia was first to get out followed by Ella, my mother then myself. The fans were screaming from the minute we entered but the second they all saw me their screams went even higher if possible. They all chanted my name and called for me making my smile just the biggest.

  Mostly, I hated the attention especially coming from Zayn's fans but right now, it seemed like an appropriate place to appreciate all the attention. Just because this was a One Direction concert in the O2 Arena, a place which held a special place in my heart not only with Zayn but with his fans as I remembered their sweet reaction to the news.

  They called me to go to them and for some reason I just felt myself walking without hesitation towards them with a shy smile on my face.

  "OMG you're here. I love you." I managed to hear a girl yelling at me.

  "I love you too." I smiled shyly at whoever just yelled that.

  "Aww, you are so cute. Can I take a picture with you?" Another girl asked as she was standing right in front of me. Only the fence separating us.

  "With me? Wouldn't you want a picture with an actual celebrity instead?" I chuckled lightly finding it a tad bit strange that the girl actually wanted a picture with me. A normal girl who had achieved nothing in her life to be admired and wasn't even that beautiful either, "I'll try to get Zayn to come out after he is finished for you."

  My phone vibrated with a text from Zayn;

  'Come inside babe? I miss you :(x'

  A small smile crept on my face and tiny little butterflies erupted in my stomach, just now realizing how much I missed Zayn. "I have to go guys, it was lovely meeting all of you." Turning to the fans, I gave them a small smile and waved before I walked inside but not before I heard them yell things like,

  'Thank you for coming.'

  'You are the sweetest.'

  'Tell Zayn we love him.'

  They were all so cute and even though it was barely a few seconds but I felt so happy with them. They were genuine girls who loved Zayn and were genuinely happy for me and him. They were so nice making this one of the rare moments I actually enjoyed Zayn's fame.

  Walking inside the stadium, I followed a security guard who was showing me to the boy's rooms. Seeing Zayn from a far, a wide smile was painted on my face. "Hey you." I said once I was in front of him.

  "Hey stranger." He smiled widely biting his lip then taking my hand in his, intertwining our fingers as he led me inside the waiting area where everyone else was, "I missed you all day." He whispered just as he opened the door for me to enter.

  I was about to reply but I was cut off by his mother's voice calling my name. Smiling widely, I let go of Zayn and started saying hello to everyone here, including Zayn's bandmates who had already learnt not to lean in for a kiss.

  The atmosphere in the waiting area was great. We all bantered and had side chats before the show started and I just felt myself feeling a tad bit more comfortable with every single one in this room.

  These were all Zayn's family and friends. People I needed to impress and make good impression on as they all mattered so much to Zayn and I was just glad everything was going smoothly so far.


All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat