It Came From The Nightosphere

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She gasped at the sight as the room turned into bright red color. Y/n shut her eyes tight as the light was blinding her. She turned and made Finn turn away with her as a bright flash appeared before it calmed down with a simple portal.

Finn looked up before she let out a scream. Emerging from the portal was a tall man in a navy blue suit and black hair slid back with what seemed to be gel.

"Marceline!" The man spoke, presumably Marceline's dad.

In anger, Marceline hissed at the two. "What the heck did you do?!" She yelled out, causing the two to flinch.

"I... reunited you with your family?" Finn meekly spoke, shrinking down. Marceline let out an annoyed grunt hearing the confession. From behind Marceline's dad, Marshall appeared too.

"I thought you didn't want to see Dad." He spoke, tilting his head to the side.

Hunson tilted his head, seeing the two humans. "Are these kids your evil servants?" He asked, tilting his head.

Finn pried himself away from Y/n's hold, pushing her back a bit. "I'm not evil, Marceline's dad. I'm super good!" He spoke, trying to show off.

"Super good?" He questioned. Y/n stepped further back, not liking his tone of voice. Suddenly, Finn was picked up and held over Hunson.

"What're you doing?!" Finn cried out as he felt his energy being taken from his body.

"Stealing your soul."

He continued to suck Finn's soul as Finn screamed in pain. "Finn!" Y/n cried out before pulling him away from Hunson. Marceline and Marshall cut in as well pushing and pulling their dad away from the two humans.

"Ugh! You always do stuff like this!" Marceline grumbled as her face flushed from embarrassment.

Hunson started to chuckle. "Haha! Oh, Marceline! I never know what's gonna set you off! Whoa! Is this the family ax?" He asked, picking the bass away from her.

"Wha—? HEY!!!" Marceline tried to jump up and grab her instrument. Hunson looked at it carefully.

He hummed while starting at the strings. "Did you turn it into some kind of lute?" He questioned, tilting his head in confusion.

Marceline tried to fly up and grab it, but Hunson moved away each time. "Give it back, and get out!!!" She yelled.

Hunson chuckled. "Okay, I'll go. I've got business to attend to, anyway—sucking up all the souls in Oooooo..." He strung out the words as his eyes glowed. Y/n blocked his way as he headed to the door.

"I won't let you hurt the innocent you giant salesman-lookin-creep!" She yelled, putting her fists up for defense.

Huson opened his mouth and attempted to steal Y/n's soul. She felt her body drain like her core was being removed from her heart. It suddenly stopped as Hunson gagged a bit. "Oh. Ew. Your soul tastes bland like you're missing the whole part of your life." He tried to rub the taste off of his tongue before pushing her weak body to the side.

"See you kids later!" He commented before rushing out into the night. He laughed evilly as the four watched him run off. The door then slammed after he got a few feet away.

Y/n slowly fell as she regained her ability to feel and breathe again. Marshall caught her and helped her sit on the ground. "That's it. Easy girl... easy." He said, trying to help her calm down.

Y/n stifled a small laugh. "Stop treating me like an animal."

Merceline let out a huff of frustration. "My bass!"

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