It was my turn to smirk at him. " I am being smart, I'm not giving up my weapon and if you come any closer it'll be you that will hurt. Don't think I haven't dreamt of gutting you,of sliting your throat.  I want to see you bleed and I want you to die bleeding at my feet,you piece of shit. I despise your existence with every fiber of my being."

Carlson feigned hurt as he put a hand over his heart. " Well that is painful to hear but I don't need you to like me. I just need you to obey. You can make things easier on us both by simply conceding. If you give me the knife now I might even be lenient and not punish you for trying to escape tonight. But if you keep defying me you will not enjoy what happens next Amira."

I had to keep in the offensive I held the knife out in front of me and started forward, much to my delight Carlson backed up. I tested it by taking another step and then another and when I had successfully backed him back into the dining room I paused.

" You don't get to control me anymore. I am not in your crew and I am leaving tonight. If you try to stop me I'll end your miserable life. You are a monster and monsters need to be put down Carlson." I watched as his eyes darkened with anger, he was tired of our game it seemed.  I knew he was close to his breaking point because the viens on his thick neck pulsed. He was gritting his back teeth and I knew I didn't have much longer before he snapped and attacked regardless of the weapon I held.  If he got his hands on me I'd be in a world of trouble. I arm was starting to shake from holding it out in front of me so long, my fingers were aching from the tight grip I kept on the knife.  I risked taking a quick glance down the hall and cursed as I saw the two guards coming back. If they saw me they'd alert everyone else in the compound and I was only one woman with a single knife. I had to act quickly. I started thinking of it was better to try to dart for the front door again or risk running back up the stairs and finding a hiding spot upstairs.

I had mere moments to decide. I glanced at the door and cursed, hiding spot it was.  I whirled and started back the way I'd come. I had to duck under Carlson's meaty arm as he figured out what I was doing and he tried to grab me.  I slashed up with the knife and grinned as Carlson cursed. I sliced his palm deep and his warm blood sprayed over my chest and face. I didn't stop to inspect the damage I slipped in his blood but I found my footing quickly and I ran. The guards had been alerted to Carlson's pained yell and were racing back down to where we had been standing.

I was halfway up the stairs when I heard a loud crack. Someone was firing at me. Shit shit shit. I panted as I ran up the rest of the stairs. The gunshot had alerted the others. Doors were being opened and lights turned on spilling into the hallway. I moved in the opposite direction and slipped down a secondary hallway. I had no idea where I was running to as id never been down this way but I had to improvise.

I tested a few doors I passed and cursed. They were locked. I heard shouting and heavy footfalls behind me and I couldn't afford to slow down. I was panting from exertion and I needed to find a place to barricade myself in.  I could fight them one on one but I couldn't me allow myself to be surrounded.

I darted down another path and came up to a dead-end. There was only one door at the end of this hall and if it was also locked I'd need to double back and find another path. Risking being corned.

I tested the knob and blessedly it turned over. I stepped quickly into the dark room and shut myself in. I locked the door. I glanced quickly around the room and took stock of everything inside. I moved over to
a dresser that was conveniently against set the wall near the door. I shoved it over in front of the doorway.  After I secured the door I took a few moments to look around the room again. The moonlight spilling in from the large windows, outlined a large bed in the centre of the room.  I moved myself over to the window and I tried to push it open. It was stiff and heavy but I managed to get it open. I glanced at the bed again and smirked as an idea came to me. I tucked my knife into my boot and started pulling the sheets from the bed. I worked quick and quiet, braiding the sheets into a thick makeshift rope. I looped the one end around the closest bed leg to the window and secured the end, tugged it a few times testing the knots Id made. It held. I moved back to the window and shoved the pile of tied sheets out the opening of the window. The make shift rope didn't reach all the way to the ground. I cursed silently. I'd have to risk dropping the rest of the distance to the ground and hoping I didn't break anything in the process.

Touch of FireTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang