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My updating will probably be slow for this but it's something I've always wanted to write. I actually have a completely different version of this book sitting on my bookshelf, unfinished from 2016.

Growing up gay, it was easy to fall in love with any boy who paid me attention. A lot of these boys turned out to be "straight". And you probably know how the rest went.

Not many know this but I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder as a young adult. For years, I felt alone, unworthy, and if I'm being honest, suicidal.

If you know anything about BPD, you'd know that it comes with a lot of intense highs and antagonistic lows. Every emotion I felt was magnified. IS magnified? I still struggle with it a little bit but I'm a work in progress, as we all are.

If you've read my first finished novel, "How It Started", you might have noticed that I delve deep into self-harm, emotional/physical abuse, and trauma. I'm really big on emotional growth and self-love. And it will always be a running theme in my life, and my work, and speaks to who I am as a person. Mental health and emotional awareness to me are more important than most things in life.

Through my work, I want to stress that it's important to feel--that it's OKAY to feel. It's okay to be "overemotional" and "sensitive". Overanalyse, drown in your own sorrows, and find happiness in minuscule things... I spent so much of my life neglecting myself and invalidating my own emotions and life experience, I suffered in silence alone for so long. All because I wanted people to love me.

If you're reading this, your voice and story matter. Your feelings matter. You don't have to suffer in silence alone.

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This one is for all the boys who have had their hearts broken by a confused straight boy.

All The Lies We ToldΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα