He hugged him.....who finally broke out of his trance hugging him tightly and sobbing softly in his neck making Taehyung smile softly......he broke the hug and wipe his  tears who was lightly hiccuping by now.... Taehyung felt a nudge on his back making him move side words only to find griffin stepping forward and snuggling into Jungkook's neck who giggled making Taehyung smile widely.....

Jungkook caressed the animal who snuggled up to him more and more as he glided his hand on his fur.......they all made the griffin comfortable among them and Jimin even took a ride on him using his best friend power...as they send him back...

Now it was Jungkook's turn who wasn't that nervous to jump from a height......he kissed Taehyung's forehead before stepping forward and jumping....he was  also falling in slow motion making Taehyung breath on hold.....

As Jungkook felt he was really close to ground he started feeling fear bit nothing was happening...he felt ground only few inches away from him even then nothing happened..... Taehyung saw Jungkook hitting the ground which made him yell " Jungkook!" He yelled as he heard a splash sound he looked down to look at Jungkook who was in the water which was below them.....

He was confused because before there wasn't a pool he looked confusingly at elders " we used a person to create illusion of ground above pool so you won't get hurt and just would be scared" Adrian explained to him.....who was now looking at Jungkook who was now struggling under water as Adrian created a shield as he fall in......

Jungkook felt terrified when he thought he hit the ground but he fall in water which he forgot he saw when he entered first....he fall in water and tried getting out but got terrified when he couldn't come out.... he assumed that it was elders doing....

He struggled to get out as he couldn't held his breath any longer and he wasn't even feeling anything about his spiritual creature.......he struggled but now he was losing his consciousness he felt water going in his lungs as he fainted...... Taehyung who was now getting down as soon as he saw Jungkook struggling ran down...but after seeing him unconscious he freaked out going forward he got him out as he looked at his pale face as tears streamed down his face.....

He called Jin as he strated giving her m CPR....he saw Jin coming while running as he slumped beside him and kept his shivering hands on Jungkook's face who was cold and pale.... everyone was crying looking at his condition as Jin started his work and in a minute Jungkook jolted awake coughing water vigorously  as everyone sighed in relief and Taehyung hugged him tightly crying hard .....

" What happened?" Jungkook asked voice hoarse because of all the coughing " you couldn't release you spiritual creature!" Namjoon said as Jungkook looked down sadly but looked up feeling pat on his back....

" It's okay... don't be dejected your creature would be the most powerful among you all so it might be hard for him to come out....we have to try hard to release him.. don't feel upset rest for today we'll try again a day later.. alright!" Elder Hansung said to cheer him up who nodded half heartedly....

Days passed of them trying to release Jungkook's spiritual creature but they were never successful.... Jungkook now started to be believe maybe he didn't have one.... But the elder kept him in under pressure...

While Taehyung had enough looking at his love getting torture after every other day physically and the mental pressure made the younger quite at home also which was getting on his nerves....

"It's enough now! I don't get it we have been trying to get your creature released but it isn't happening! You need to try harder Jungkook to release him.....or you don want to release it huh! Are you that useles-"

Today was also like another day when Jungkook was bleeding after today's session but the elders were still pressurising him and the words were making Taehyung angry who clenched his jaw thinking. "It's enough!" As he marched towards them....As he was fuming after looking at youngers condition and tears.....

" Don't you think you are pressuring him a bit too much! It's not his fault that after bearing everything his creature doesn't wants to come out! And even if it doesn't his powers are enough to save us! With or without creature he is the strongest one among us! If the creature is still not ready them let it be it will come out when the right time comes just believe in God! And I don't give you permission to use other methods in him from now on just focus on his four powers...or no one will be worst than me!" Taehyung threatened them in a low dangerous voice before looking at Jungkook who was looking pale and weak making him tear up he grabbed his hand before dragging him out.....

While Adrian who wanted to stop Taehyung halt on his place feeling Hansung grabbing his wrist....he looked back to find his eyes shining green " Taehyung is right.....we shouldn't force his creature to come out now or it will cause destruction.... it will come when the right time comes.... after all the thinks happens for a reason" he said smiling softly at end before going in leaving Adrian deep in his thoughts.....

After that day no one forced or pressurised Jungkook to release his creature but that didn't mean that Jungkook was okay with that.......


Hope you enjoyed....

To be continued......

You guys need to wait a bi more for Jungkook's spiritual creature....ahh I can't wait to finish this book....

Well what do you think is his creature? Any guesses?

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